Any Advice On How to Prepare for a Marathon?

A friend has just challenged me to a Marathon next March 2014. Now I am currently weigh 178 lbs (obese as per the BMI) and have not EVER run. I think perhaps I walked a mile for a PE class years ago but that its. So how would you advise someone like me to prepare for this.. Is it even possible for someone in my shape. Should I just say no? Or should I take on the challenge and if yes, how would I go about it...


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Honestly, if it were me, I wouldn't do it. A year seems like a lot of time, but a marathon takes a lot of work and effort to get to the point where you are running for 26.2 miles.

    I would start with Couch to 5K. After you complete that, run some races and have fun. Then, if you still want to do more, start the Bridge to 10K program. Run some more races and have some more fun. If you're still interested in adding distance, do a half marathon. Hal Higdon has a good training plan (takes about 12 weeks). Run a half and have fun.

    If after all that, you still want to run a full marathon, then check out a Higdon marathon training program. Be prepared to overhaul your diet, cross training, and daily routines.
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    Alrighty then....I guess I would ask "What are the stakes?" after all it's a challenge...right? Your friend never actually said "Run a Marathon"....A lot of websites that have free Marathon training plans have a walk/run program. I guess the key thing here is just HOW MOTIVATED are you? I think it can be done. I'm running my first 1/2 marathon April 28th, I started training in January. After that if I still want to continue I'll sign up for a full in September....that requires a 16 week training session, a lot of self discipline and motivation. I Have NO doubt that if it's a path I choose, I WILL accomplish it. SO CAN YOU !!
  • tallulahalice
    tallulahalice Posts: 19 Member
    Agree with both the previous posts. It's possible, but yes it's hard work too, and not everyone's body can cope with the training. Are you the type of person motivated by big goals? Do is it something you really want to do? Ultimately you won't know until you start running.

    is your friend willing (and able) to be your running buddy? It is so much easier to run with someone else so find a partner if possible even for one run per week. Ultimately even finishing your first 5k will be so rewarding, and the marathon can be done any year.

    There's some great training tips on this site:

    Last piece of advice, get professionally fitted with decent shoes and cycle them often.
  • Shereta5
    Shereta5 Posts: 13
    Google Hal Higdon training plans. They are free. Usually it takes years to be able to run a marathon. You can, however, build up to one within a year, but you may have to actually walk some of the marathon. Either way, go for it!:bigsmile:
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Very possible, but very challenging. I say do it to give yourself the push. Tons of awesome training sites out there. You will need a 1) running buddy or running group. One that welcomes all paces. 2) To Run 3-4 races in between now and then. A few 5miles to start, 10 miles then ½ marathons. Not sure where you live but for example, Run Washington has all local races so you can plan/space your runs 3) Have mini goals, just like weight loss. See where you are at your mini goals and make a decision closer to game time. 4) invest in good running gear. Shoes, clothes … all that matters when you are running that distance. Speak to the pros on it. 5) best advice I ever got for any race. Before you do it, walk the distance so you “feel” how far it really is. Again, that may help you make a decision closer to race time. 6) research, research and research. Know everything about that race and other marathons. Finally, its ok to obsess :) For now, nothing is impossible so train your butt off. What’s the worst that could happen? You lose weight and feel amazing!

    p.s. does the race have qualifiers? A lot of marathons you have to be eligible first and have it done within a certain time.

    I will never forget the two “friends” I had that laughed when I said I would run a 10 miler in 4 months having never ran in my life before. As I crossed the finished line, regularly scanning the loser bus behind me and yelling at the lady to leave the matt down because I technically still had 5 minutes to finish, I thought of those girls. If you are committed it is possible, it is just a lot of VERY hard work.
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    If you've never run, I'd say start with couch to 5k.

    It IS possible.

    I started running in December of 2011 (couldn't run a 1/4 mile) and completed my first marathon sub 5-hour in October of 2012.

    You can do it. It's ridiculously challenging. You're going to want to quit, you're going to experience fatigue you'd never imagine, and you're going to be sore....VERY sore.

    It all depends on your motivation level. If you're not 100% into it, don't bother. Marathon running isn't for chumps.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Its doable in a year, but you have to be incredibly dedicated to it. Find a training plan and stick to it. If it's just a fleeting notion, you'll never stick to it, it kind of has to be a driving desire.

    That said, I went from not really running to a 4:24 marathon in about a year, so it IS possible.