Getting off track

I find myself in a constant cycle of " YEAH, Monday is here, I am going to do great! Eat healthy and stay on track.... but by about Thursday I slowly start to turn off the track, then by Sunday I am in this funk where I eat whatever I want, don't lift a finger and drown myself in pity! I am looking for some friends me on track. Someone that will say "Hey, its nice out. Get outside this weekend!" Looking for great support as well as wanting to give it back :)


  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    From the look of your profile pic, it doesn't look like you're having too much of an issue here :drinker:

    I don't count my calories on weekends. I'll drink beer, eat wings, and indulge in almost anything when it comes to saturday and sunday. However, I also take that time to hit the weights hard (still no cardio) in lieu of my normal routine throughout the week. Surely, the food I eat is still excess calories for fat storage, but hey why not build some muscle while I'm at it.

    Turns that 'negative behavior' into something positive.
  • Hey thanks!
    I guess I really shouldnt beat myself up to much eh? I mean as long as I remember to hit the gym its ok to "cheat" a bit. My weakness is cucumber caesars !!!! I freaking LOVE those a can't get enough.... well I can but by that time who is caring lol