150 To Lose & Need Dire Help

Like everyone, I'm apart of the typical stories be it having issues at home, out around the town and much more. I need help though and I need people constantly on my *ss in a sense. I don't have money to go to a gym let alone get a personal trainer. I have one friend to help currently but I need much more constantly talking to me, texting me etc.

I've tried SO much to have the will on my own to stay on track and I had my ups and downs CONSTANTLY be it monthly, weekly, hourly. I'm in such a crappy mood that I'm the most neediest, clingiest thing or whatever you wish to consider me. The last thing I wanted was to even remotely rely on others that have trouble themselves but maybe, just maybe, some of you out there..
We can pull things off together.

I literally FORGOT to use the app on my phone and even visit this website. I currently drown myself in a MMO game I love and have no motivation. I've tried working out with my fiance and my friends but they all are so involved in their own worlds, I'm trying to support them half the time when I need support. Its really messed up!
And maybe I should be coming here to ask any of you but maybe some of you are in such a good mindset that you can help me?

I've reached multiple times to others and different things and I just honestly need a hook, someone to let me eat some bait that I can use or something to get myself going and staying there.

I'm happy that I've made small improvements, drinking more water, attempting more healthy foods but that won't help if I'm not exercising and this stress and depression has a hold of me. I don't have money for a therapist/doctor to help so maybe someone has some remedies and the ''Cheap mans solution'' to diets and workouts. Lets face it, diet foods are EXPENSIVE, just buying a bunch of apples weekly or for daily drinks/munches is more pricey then a pizza in a card board box..

Let alone the people around me are severely depressive. 6 years ago before I met my fiance, I was doing alright via exercise, got out each day and went for long walks, ran every now and then or jogged. I've lost so much motivation as of late though and went from 220 to 250 and now a never moving 275. Over 10+ pounds gain and they say when you're in love you stop trying to impress because well.. you got a mate now..

I think my body just decided to give up. Anyways, as you can tell, so much is a problem for me and I just need some serious great support. So anyone and everyone, please try? Keep me in thoughts? Write me on the page? Text to get my *kitten* out of bed? Something has to work! And trust me, I've heard all the techniques to lose weight, I don't need techniques as much as the main push.. motivation to do them! UGH! Sorry I'm so difficult.

Oh and for all you others, as hypocritical as it is to say in my position, please keep doing well and be strong.♥
I know I would love to be. Lol. Don't be me! ROFL.


  • Hey there! Have you ever considered joining an accountability group??? I am a fitness coach with Beachbody and would love to have you in one of my groups!!! you can check me out on Facebook www.fb.com/jandjcassidy Pls msg me for more info!!