question about water weight gain?

Hi --
I have been working really hard since January and have lost 10 pounds (or had) before this past weekend. 10 pounds doesn't seem like a lot at all, especially for four months, but it's been hard-fought.
So, here's the dilemma. My bf and I went tent camping/hiking this past weekend. I didn't log my food, but I didn't completely and utterly overdo it (four smore's and three cupcakes in three days, plus regular food, which was fruits, veggies, etc), plus I was hauling gear 400 yds one way to our campsite, and we hiked about 5 miles. I thought I had definitely dropped a few ounces at least.
Nope. As of this morning, I am up 6 pounds since Friday. I don't get it. Is it water weight? Muscle weight? Will it go away? How do you get water weight to go away? I don't like seeing the 190s again, and I am getting really discouraged that it hasn't gone away.


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Most likely your body is retaining water to repair the muscles you used while camping/hiking. Could also be water retention if you didn't drink enough water each day and were high on sodium (ah, the silent killer of weight loss!). Give it a few days, drink tons of water and keep your sodium low and your body should shed that water weight and then some.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Well congrats on the 10 lbs in 4 months that's excellent!! That's over 2 lbs a month which is spot on and more! Nothing to be bugged about there:wink::drinker:

    Regarding water weight, drink water to flush out the extra sodium your body maybe carrying. It takes 3500 cals to actually gain a lb. so unless you ate 6 lbs worth than it's probably not there for good. If you ate junk food on the weekend, well, it's most likely not muscle weight:laugh: I dunno it could be but that wouldn't be my first guess unless you've been doing an awful lot of weight training over the past number of months?

    I say pat yourself on the back for dropping the weight in a healthy manner (the 10 lbs.) and move on from today. Plenty of water is always great but especially if you've added some extra junk food adding in a bit more excercise and more water should help.

  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    if you don't normally drink water it could be water weight and it will go away in a few days.

    just remember tomorrow (or today) is a new day and a new beginning.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and give it time.