Anyone Gluten free?

I was just wondering if there was any other gluten free people out here and if you have any tips or meal ideas that I can add to my routine. Thanks!


  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I have been gluten-free since the beginning of March - I mostly find that easiest thing to do it not to try and replace products with gluten, but discover new naturally gluten free foods.

    I'm getting to the point where I have added in a few gluten-free subs, but I haven't explored it too much. Tonight I made chickpea pancakes as a side dish for dinner. They were delicious.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I have been gluten free since Sept 2012. There are actually a TON of gluten-free products out there if you look for them. I haven't tried replacing processed foods like bread or pasta with gluten free versions, I've just switched to getting my carbs from veggies, potatoes and rice. I do eat three snacks a day though so I have found a number of gluten free snack bars, protein bars, protein powders, etc. And I have a variety of gluten free cookies for treats/desserts. There is also a MFP gluten free group that you can join.

    Good luck and feel free to ask me any quetsions you have!
  • awesome, I didn't know there was a group on here. I have been gluten free for about 18 years, so I do know about avoiding the gluten, but a lot of time gluten free foods, well the substitutes for reg food that has gluten in it usually is very high in fat and or calories, otherwise I probably wouldn't have to be on here trying to loose weight! lol I do love this site though and just started on Sunday and weighed myself today (friday) and found out I lost 4.5 lbs in 5 days!!! excited it is working!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hi feel free to add me as I've been gluten free (coeliac) for over 20 years.
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    GF for 4 years, feel free too add me! diary's open if you wanna have a little look!
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    Hi, have been Gluten Free for almost 2 years now - the only thing I have made a point of replacing with a gluten free product is bread for my toast in the morning. (I cannot eat egg or egg white without a mouthful of toast or I toss it).
    I find it actually makes getting your veggies in easier as I replace the starch I would have eaten with a veg and get double.
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 213 Member
    I am also Gluten Free, and I replace a few items with Gluten Free. Mostly pasta and bread. But I don't eat them very often. I prefer to eat mostly meats and veggies, don't really like potatoes that much. I eat wild rice, brown rice and sometimes white rice. But do love Lara bars and Luna bars for snacks. They are mostly unprocessed ingredients, and no preservatives. I also use a few different kinds of protein powders. And love salads, so I get a lot of my nutrition from whole food items, with a few processed items (lately more than I should, lol). Just read labels, some things you wouldn't think of having gluten contain it. I found that out the hard way with licorice (both red vines and twizzlers have wheat as second ingredient), Just focus your meals around protein sources and more fruit and veggie carbs and it will get easier.
  • ceeci43
    ceeci43 Posts: 11
    I am and have been gluten free since being diagnosed with celiacs disease 7yrs. ago. I am 5'2 and have always been between 98 and 105lbs. However, if I gained weight in the past all I had to do was cut out Breads and pasta, but I no longer eat breads and pasta not even GF brand because of the calories-they are so high and I find myself with this belly and weighing in at 117. So losing weight for me is much harder than I ever imagined. Just remember if you want to eat gluten free you can have all the food basically that you want - its what you put on it. Keep it simple the smaller the ingredient list, the easier it is to stay gluten free. Lots of organics foods, try to stay away from any preservative filled foods and pre made meals, the preservatives are most of the hidden gluten. And remember to take probiotics and enzymes for your digestive system. Good luck !