Sushi, healthy alterative or Crazy Calories wraped in seweed

AlexandraNK Posts: 54
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I always thought Sushi was a healthy alternative since its mostly fish and a little starch. However, Once again i'm getting conflicting information.
How can i aproximate the calories for the Sushi I eat, Tuna Roll, Salmon Roll, Cucumber roll and Miso Soup????

PLEASE HELP! I love Sushi and always think its good for me but Tell me if it isn't


  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    If you like sushi. I recommend you eat as much sashimi as possible. Sushi rolls, first use white rice which is all carbs. Then anything baked or with tempura is def not good for you. And when you add sauses to it even worst. Miso soup is not bad, but it does have a ton of sodium so be careful and drink lost of water.

    If you do get a roll, try to get something wrapped in cucumber or only seawead and not sause or rice.
  • AlexandraNK
    AlexandraNK Posts: 54
    Do you have a sense of the calories?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm new to likeing sushi. I usually just buy whatever they have in the grocery store. Any healthy suggestions??
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Don't be afraid of rice. You need carbs to give you energy. Of course don't go overboard but there is nothing wrong with a roll (8 pieces) of sushi wrapped in rice. I always go for the spicy tuna ;)
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    12 california rolls is 600 calories. Just remember that anything in moderation can be healthy.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    The approximations for sushi on this site are pretty close to what I believe is accurate.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    If you like sushi. I recommend you eat as much sashimi as possible. Sushi rolls, first use white rice which is all carbs. Then anything baked or with tempura is def not good for you. And when you add sauses to it even worst. Miso soup is not bad, but it does have a ton of sodium so be careful and drink lost of water.

    If you do get a roll, try to get something wrapped in cucumber or only seawead and not sause or rice.

    I agree for the most part.

    Carbs are NOT a bad thing just need to be careful in what form you ingest them...for instance, rice carbs are WAY better than beer carbs because they're not nutritionally empty.
    California rolls, veggie rolls, etc aren't BAD choices by any standard...just be wary of the specialty rolls which, like gabyp said, can sometimes contain things like cream cheese, tempura, and/or heavy sauces.

    But nothing beats some salmon sashimi with low sodium soy sauce, imho!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I'm new to likeing sushi. I usually just buy whatever they have in the grocery store. Any healthy suggestions??

    The stuff in the grocery store doesn't COMPARE to real sushi! Do yourself a favor and find a good sushi restaurant on Yelp and try it! 600 calories of suburb deliciousness > 600 calories of mediocrity!!

    Restaurant sushi isn't meant to sit there for hours for someone to buy it, so it's oh so fresh and delicious...probably has less sodium too.

    Edit: sorry for the double post!
  • Yeah I was under the impression sushi was pretty healthy as long as it's not Tempura or deep fried. I know this is very general but from what I've seen a roll can be around 200-450 calories depending on what's in it. Usually rolls are 6 pieces. The ones I found around 200 calories were like tuna or cucumber rolls. Miso soup I wouldn't think would be over 100 calories for a cup since it's just broth, tofu, kale, and miso-when I googled it I found places that said it was even less than a 100 calories. I know it's hard to find an exact number! Even when you buy it at the grocery store I don't think the nutritional information is on the package since it's fresh. Sorry couldn't be more help!
  • funfitfin
    funfitfin Posts: 5 Member
    I have found a recipe for Quinoa sushi; it's really tasty and easy! No, I don't use raw fish in mine, b/c I don't have anywhere near me to buy sushi grade fish. But I love me some avocado and cucumber rolls! Here are some links with recipes to help you out! It's really not that hard to make....but do get a bamboo mat. My opinion on sushi is stick to non-mayonnaise at a restaurant and if they make it with brown rice, that's always a better option. Happy sushi creating and eating!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I had a california roll for lunch made with brown rice. It's healthier but about the same calories as the normal... of course, everything in moderation. I personally like sushi every now and then but don't eat it a lot because of the rice. Before you eat anything you're unsure of, just go into MFP's database and type it in. I buy my sushi from kroger so I just type in "kroger sushi" and I can choose which one I want, see if it fits into my day and if not, pick something else. Good luck!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    sushi (not fried versions) is one of the healtheist things you can eat, the raw fish is full of protien and an amazing source of omega's! the nori is full of vitiamins and minerals. and it has been shown that rice is actually good for weightloss...and its super yummy!!! watch your sodium with the soy suace though.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Here is another good site:
  • Bump!!! Love sushi!
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    I love sushi.
    It can be very healthy or unhealthy ,depending on what you order.
    Avoid anything with mayo or fried tempura and choose brown over white rice.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    K my dinner plan has totally changed tonight! Sushi for dinner!!! !lol *mouth watering* I hear you can now get Brown Rice sushi?! But I love Sashimi anyhoo, will get an Ebi Sunumono salad instead of my Gyoza! lol
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Go with sashimi with a nice bit of ginger and wasabi - they serve rice on the side so you can control how much or little you'd like.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It's funny how in Japan, the people don't really seem to worry about excess carbs at all and the majority seem very healthy. When I was there working, there was a 16 year old girl who was eating about twice the amount of rice as me per sitting and she would have been about 50kg max. BS metabolisms or something? Then try out Japanese bread. No such thing as wholemeal brown bread! It's about an inch thick, white and full of sugar. VERY high GI bread. Yet still, everyone eats it and majority of population is a healthy weight. Doesn't make sense to me :P

    That sushi FAQ website was great. I would definitely classify a regular sushi (no mayo or tempura) as a healthy meal. I prefer any of the meat ones so I can actually get some protein in the meal though :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :love: I LOVE Sashimi :heart: :smooched: Just the protein thank you! Unfortunately I also LOVE the fried sushi rolls and somehow one always seems to find it's way to my plate! there's something about the warm/cool and crunch that just tastes/feels SO FREAKING AMAZING!

    Otherwise one Alaska roll and and some sashimi would be perfect!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Don't be afraid of it! Isn't it insane how afraid we are of carbs? What has atkins and south beach done to us. Everything in moderation I say. And this is a what? you're never going to have sushi? :cry: We have to find a way to add it into our lives. I just had some for lunch. YUM!
    Enjoy each roll, have a cup of miso soup with 8 rolls and you'll have yourself a tasty meal.
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