Not so new to the whole thing... Hello!

Hello All. I don't really know what to write on here so I'll just re-post what I posted on my blog. It sounds kind of an angry post but it's really not. :flowerforyou: I guess it just really describes how I found myself here and trying. I'm sure many of you can relate or understand. I hope for your support and friendship. Thank you in advance!

**blog post**
I've been sick for many years. Sick of being fat, sick of being stressed and sick of being sick. A couple of years ago I actually tried being healthy was slightly successful (loss 25 lbs) but then lost my job and found a more stressful one so gained it all back and then some. Lost that job and found a better less stressful job but then loss that one too to circumstances outside of my control (they went belly up). It's been 3 years worth of hell and I didn't take care of my self, just couldn't do it. But now that I found a new job, it's still horrible... I woke up thinking things will never be perfect, nor even close to good for that matter. But there is only one thing out there I can control and that is me, my health. What's the use of all the planning for the future, saving and working hard if I'm close to being dead because that's all I worry about? I keep putting my health in the back burner and kept saying I'll get back to it soon once things settle down.. But things never do and so today I'm on my journey again of trying to be better, healthier and maybe even happier. I already am in my 2nd week and have lost 2 lbs. Not much but it's something and I hope by signing up on this site, that a year from now I would've reached my weight loss goal of 70 lbs. I really want it this time. I think it's the only thing left for me. I'm too sick to walk due to nerve damage I think but I can control what I eat. I'll start there.