P90X or ChaLean Extreme?

nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
My 20lb reward to myself is going to be one of these DVD kits.

For those of you who have tried both which do you like better.
For coaches familiar with both I'd like to know what sets them apart from eachother.

I keep hearing about P90X and not much about ChaLean.

Thanks in advance:wink:


  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Remember when we used to reward ourselves with food? Man, the good old days...NOT!
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member

    I am a coach. P90X is more strength training and less cardio but offers different plans for doing the dvds so that if you are wanting to get lean then you will add the cardio dvds more into your rotation than if you are just wanting to get ripped. It really depends on what it is you are looking for and what you want to do with your body. ChaLene Extreme has a bit more cardio intervals so that during the strength training you are building up your muscle (she encourages going heavier on the weights) and during the cardio portions you are just straight up revving up your metabolism and burning calories. This produces a more lean result. I haven't done ChaLene Extreme (one of my customers has). I'm currently doing P90X, Insanity, and Turbo Jam (the profile pic I have up is me before losing 30lbs. -- that's just my disclaimer). Also, ChaLene will have a new program coming out in June called Turbo Fire (it is like Turbo Jam meets Insanity). P90X focuses on challenging your muscles with different combinations of moves to promote muscle confusion. ChaLene Extreme is more Circuit Training that was developed to build more muscle on your body all over to give you a total transformation. Her circuits are done in 3 phases. Please contact me if you need any more information. I hope this helps. Thanks.

  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I have not done p90x but I am in my last week in a half of chalean extreme. I have heard that p90x is very challenging for someone who may have never done any strength training to that degree. So, I stuck with Chalean. My results have been AWESOME and has built my strength up so much that I could get through p90x now. Obviously, everyone will have different opinions but I don't think I would have ever been able to get through p90x if I did that first. Chalean has built my muscles & strength that now I can do anything!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm not looking to build a ton of muscle. I'm looking to burn the fat off and have nice lean muscles. I think I may need the one with more cardio then I guess.
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I don't have huge muscles from chalean. Chalean has cardio. It's a mixture of lifting and cardio. Muscle Burns fat, so weight training is needed in order to burn the fat of and become leaner. I would suggest chalean to anyone. It has improves my energy, stamina, etc. It's simple and has tons of modifications.
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with crking...I think you will be happier with your results from ChaLean Extreme. It sounds like more of what you are looking for. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    ChaLean is more safe for beginners or non-athletes to become athletes and in great shape. If you think you are out of shape, then go with ChaLean - it's level of entry is below the level of entry required by P90X.

    P90X is really effective for people who think they are in shape (but actually not quite) or were once athletes in their youth and still retain some of the drive to push themselves hard. That's not to say that a novice or out of shape person can't pull off P90X but it's tougher especially if you feel you must complete the entire 90 minute sessions without taking breaks or skipping some of the exercises.

    As for the whole not wanting muscle talk, muscle is your friend if you want to lose fat. Don't worry about building a ton of muscle - it's extremely difficult, especially for women, and even for men - nobody accidentally builds massive muscles, you really have to be dedicated and patient to following a mass building regimen so I wouldn't worry about the lifting included in Chalean if I were you (this coming from a guy who's been lifting for half a year and would love to have the big muscles but also wants to burn away his tummy - tummy goes away b4 the muscle volume grows).

    Fat gets burnt off much easier than muscle gets built on, and when you cut your caloric intake and still lift weights most of what you're doing is ensuring that the weight that your are losing is fat and not muscle - you will get lean muscles as long as you don't eat above your maintenance.
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