Back in the saddle again!!!

Hey MFP Peeps!

Barbarella is back............ after a long hiatus of minor injuries, tendinitis & winter blues!! :bigsmile: :drinker:

I didn't realize HOW long it's been! Last weight update was on my B-Day 2/27.... only up 4 lbs.! :laugh: :love:

The bad news is this body is mighty stiff and flabby! :sad: :grumble:
GOOD news again.... back at the gym with a new trainer! :bigsmile: :love:

Hope everybody is doing great! Ready to RoCk it?!??? YES!!! :love: :bigsmile: :heart:


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hi'ya barbiedoll, good to see you.

    Ya' know, if you only gained 4 pounds while on hiatus, maybe you made some great habits while you were working on this. Woo hoo!

    How goes the employment situation? What are you doing with yourself these days?

