No BLOAT! :) for the first time in ever..

kspeach Posts: 179 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been dieting and exercising for 2 weeks now. I noticed something today.

NO BLOAT! I have almost cut Pepsi and soft drinks out of my life completely (although I did splurge on a can w/lunch today). I have maybe 4 ounces of regular Pepsi as a rare treat once or twice a week. I was drinking at LEAST 40 ounces of Pepsi per day, never less, sometimes more.

Last week, it was that 'time' of the month, and I attributed the continued bloating to that. Today, I really noticed the lack of bloat, although I haven't lost much weight (I've gained a bit of muscle in my legs from walking, so I'm not worried about the number too much yet).

Sometimes after washing a Tshirt, I have to stretch it over my knees so it doesn't pull on my tummy, and then it's just right. I don't believe I did that with this Tshirt at all. Plus, my sweats are a bit too big around my waist, even with the drawstring tightened.

I went cold turkey basically from Pepsi, with few headaches. If I MUST have a soft drink when I go out, I get only ONE diet Pepsi, and that's only been twice. If I'm really craving a Pepsi, I might have a crystal light lemonade.

Hmmm, writing this, I just realized I went through the whole week of PMS/'TOM' with no chocolate OR Pepsi!!!! WOW! You don't' realize how much of a miracle THAT is! :)


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Congrats! I need to do this with coffee....gave up soda's a long time ago.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thats awesome Hun!! Great job :)

    I also gave up pop over 8 years ago.. I pretty much only drink water.. and green tea the odd time It is one of the best changes Ive ever done :)

    I'll have diet pop sometimes if I am drinking rum.
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I gave up soda about a month ago...with a half a can here and there IF I needed caffeine, as I don't drink coffee or tea! I actually took a sip of my husband's soda the other day and was amazed to find it way to sweet!
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    WTG! First thing I want to say is LOL! I thought I was the only one that stretched my tshirts over my knee's after washed so they were loose on my belly. I use to put them on a door knob, then pull back some, until one day I pulled a hole in my shirt. I have somethings that I refuse to give up, but I do limit it. My worse one is NOS energy drinks. Before I started this, and before the sugarfree came out, I was drinking 2 bottles of NOS per day. I look at that now, and it was more calories, carbs, and sodium just from drinking those each day, then I am allowed a whole day now. I did switch to the sugar free NOS before I started here when I was 255lbs. I went down to 247, just from that change. I still drink 1 can every morning, but it don't seem to be hurting me. 20 calories, 2 carbs and 260 on the sodium. I am willing to give that up for something I like. I also was always a diet pepsi girl, even if not dieting. Like you, I was doing 3-4 12oz cans per day. I drink 1 can about every other day now. As for chocolate, and that dreadly "TOM", I eat more chocolate now then I did before I started here. I do the Special K chocolatey delight every other day for breakfast. Then on the other day's I do the Fiber One chocolate peanut butter bar. For snacks, sometime I do the 100 calorie pack Mr. Salty chocolate covered pretzels. But my favorite snack is the Jello Chocolate Mousse temptations, only 60 calories. So there is still available chocolate options for dear ole "TOM". Do you measure? You should. My measurements give me more energy then my scale or mirror. I look in the mirror and think, you don't look a bit smaller. My scale shows 32lbs off, but I don't see it. My measurements though, overall, I have lost more then 10 inches off of my body. I have went from a tight 24 jeans, to a loose 20. LOVE IT! What really got me on my measurements was my neck. I have lost .75 of a inch off of my neck. Since keeping my sodium under 2500 per day, I no longer have the bloating issue either, except when "TOM" visits. I have lost so much water, that I no longer wear my wedding ring, in fear of it falling off. Once I get where I want to be, I will have it resized. I could go on an on, as I really like the support here. But for this session, lol, KEEP UP THE GREAT JOB!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Great job keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I had a One Diet Coke a Day habit until I started on MFP last year. I gave it up and don't miss it all. I might have one can a week, but I don't "need" it anymore. I was amazed when the "BLOAT" stopped too - what a great feeling! Congrats to you!!!
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    Very Good! I only have one diet Pepsi a day, I actually prefer unsweet ice tea, but that is hard to pack in my lunch. I used to drink 3 or 4 diet pepsi a day, when I quit that i was amazed at how less bloated etc... I am. a huge difference. Keep up the good work. I am back on track and determined to keep going (I strayed there for a little and put some weight back on) :frown: BUT - going full steam ahead. Keep up the good work
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I have maybe 1 a month but I no longer like it, just tastes too sickly for me now. I much prefer ice cold water and find it so much more refreshing that coke ever was.
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