Is anyone else trying to gain weight?

I am trying to gain weight. I am at about 106 I think right now. I am hoping to get to 120 or 130 while still running. I am aware that it will take awhile to get to. I am going to try to do this as safe as possible.

My problem is I have GERD and Gastritis. So I kind of have to watch my foods. I know what I have to do. Something I learned from a fitness class. "Calories in, calories out."

I love how this thing doesn't really account for strength exercises. I can do strength exercises all day long and it doesn't really effect the calories in. I know that is kind of cheating, but it is kind of a morale boost for me. Trust me, I know a lot of people that would love to give me their pounds and their waist measurements. Good luck to everyone wanting to lose weight.