Too many calories!!

xLissyx Posts: 30 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Sooo I'm finding it hard to eat all of my calories most of the time, i have 1200 set per day then on the days i exercise (3-4 times a week) i have an extra 250-500

I want to eat as healthy as possible but i find 1200 too much if i'm having a really good day, most days i will consume 800-1000 calories. I've read alot about under eating & starvation mode & the affects. But the only way i ever reach my set calorie intake is if i eat rubbish foods, which then makes me feel bad as it's not the healthy foods i want to eat! I do eat carbs (wholegrain only) but try not to go over 100g a day. I eat alot of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, peanut butter, nuts, yogurt etc but never reach my calorie goal!

I'm 5ft 2, 119 lbs, i've lost 13lbs so the moment i'm not losing anything, do you think it's because i'm not eating enough? if i eat more though i'm scared that i'll put on weight :\ i want to lose another 7lbs, anyone got any advice pleaseee? Thankyouuu :)

:smile: :heart:


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Very possible that you aren't eating enough... I was just reading another thread about this topic:

    You could easily add more almonds or avocado to add some extra calories!
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    You'll hit starvation mode with so few calories and stop loosing weight.
    Eat some nuts. 1/4 cup has 200 healthy calories.
  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    It sounds like your body is at a healthy weight. But what you need to do is eat your excersice calories. If your not eating enough you wont lose anything. I know it sounds weird but you really need to eat the amount of calories that mfp is telling you to eat. Or you wont lose anything. Try eating healthy foods like fresh fruit and vegtables. There are also 100 calorie snacks you can buy.
    And drink pleanty of water. Best of luck
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    just add some things like peanut butter or hummus to your veggies. Or add a protien shake daily and that should take care of your extra calories and will help you build muscle
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Between your profile pics and your height/weight, I'm inclined to say you're not losing because you've got nothing more to lose. You look extremely healthy.

    I would add in some nuts, some avocado...if you eat yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, I would have either the full-fat varieties or the 2% rather than the fat-free. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over your pasta or salad.

    Maybe try to focus less on the scale and more on toning...I wonder if you firmed up a bit, maybe that would give you a figure and fitness level that you're happy with, rather than worrying about hitting a specific number.
  • xLissyx
    xLissyx Posts: 30 Member
    Thankyou for all your comments, i'm definitely taking them all in! I need to stock up on nuts i think to reach my goal everyday, yum yum :) Today has been better, i've ate alot more today so hopefuly i'll see the scale moving a bit next week! I agree though, i am at a healthy weight, i just don't like what i see in the mirror...maybe your right & i need to concentrate more on toning! Thanks again for the help...really appreciate it!

    :smile: :heart:
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