How much protein to build muscle?



  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    it is not impossible to gain lean mass on a calorie deficit

    That's what I thought. I mean, how can you gain strength without gaining any muscle mass?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    it is not impossible to gain lean mass on a calorie deficit

    That's what I thought. I mean, how can you gain strength without gaining any muscle mass?

    Strength has a very big neurological component that can drive progress in the absence of muscle gains.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I have a really hard time meeting my protein goals. LOL. So if I get to 85g right now, I am happy.
  • catodd
    catodd Posts: 37 Member
    You will gain lean mass doing resistance training. Strength is not directly proportional to the amount of muscle you posess. And you will gain lean mass while on a calorie deficit. for instance quick diet. for an 85 kilo man.

    Breakfast 112 grams chicken breast handful of almonds approx 35 grams protein minimal carbs some fat 300 cals

    mid morning snack chicken breast 26 grams protein

    lunch tuna salad 1 tin approx 35 grams protein 137 cals plus salad 200 max

    afternoon snack chicken breast 100 grams 26 grams protein

    Dinner 200 grams lean steak 50 grams protein 400 cals some veg 470 cals total

    Protein shake 27 g protein
    Protein total 204 grams 2.4 per kilo body weight calories consumed approx 1400
    calorie deficit 1100 cals
    I would try and get all of my carbs from low density carb sources veg etc any extra would come from fat stored on training days would increase protein towards the 4 gram per kilo. I would gain lean mass get stronger and change my body composition lowerin % body fat. It does work because I have done it and continue to do so then would introduce more carbs as my bodyfat%went lower than 10% or I started getting moody and getting sleepless but not pasta rice alcohol or chocolate.
    That was a quick example before i get slated lol
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The conditions under which you may gain some lbm in a caloric deficit are clearly outlined here. As usual, context needs to be considered.
  • catodd
    catodd Posts: 37 Member
    The conditions under which you may gain some lbm in a caloric deficit are clearly outlined here. As usual, context needs to be considered.

    Very interesting article. I have always wondered why as you become leaner your fat loss gets slower and that has just answered my questions. Thanks