Hello everybody!.

mis2princesas Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there! :smile:
I'm new here..... I love this site.. so helpful and easy to navigate!.. plus I love the Iphone app... the best!...
My new way of living started almost a year ago..June 2009....I was going on a cruise in May 2009 and I had to buy new clothes because my summer clothes from 2008 would not fit me..!..I was devastated.. !!.:cry: . As soon as I came back from my May 2008 cruise I started going to Medi Weight Loss Clinic to lose weight. At first I wanted to lose 30 pounds.. because I thought I would not last a week... but first week was a breeze.. lost 10 pounds just that week... and the pounds kept coming off... From June till September I lost a total of 60 pounds.. End of September I hit plateau.. uuggggh... I went on a cruise in September 2009..... ate too much... came back... I had all the excuses in mind not to exercise... too cold, allergies..just too lazy.. I was still eating right so I was able to drop the pounds I gained on the cruise.... but still was too lazy for my daily walks.. lol!..
I've maintained the weight off eating low carb Monday - Friday.. and eating 'whatever I want'..Friday afternoon until Sunday.. It's worked really good for me...
Two weekends ago I tried on the outfit I wore to my 1st appt @ the Medi Weightloss clinic last year.. and it's huge on me...!.. and I just felt the need to lose a few more pounds.. 15-20 pounds would be GREAT!... and according to my height / weight.. it would be ideal!.. I joined the YMCA.. I'm exercising 4 days a week.. mostly Zumba and step.... and this week I started counting carbs and calories.. 'again'..I came across MFP because I was looking for an online food diary.. I truly think that writing down everything you eat makes you more aware of all the calories we miss sometimes... I will be more careful on weekends.. not just eat 'whatever I want'.... but choose wisely.. and hopefully I'll fit in a nice 2 piece swimsuit by July!!..
I'll need all the help and advice that I can get.. so thanks in advance!


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