Calling all Paleo/Primal people!

Hello, all you beautiful people! I just rejoined MFP yesterday and want to flood my friends list with fellow cavemen! I've done Paleo for about a year (and lost 38lbs doing it!! Woot woot!) buuuuut I've fallen off track!

So, what did I do? Started a Whole30, of course!!! Day 2 baby! If you're doing a Whole30 right now, we NEED to be friends!

A little about me: I'm 22, tall, blonde, smokin hot bod. WAIT, what?? Sorry I was dreaming. Lets try that again. I'm 22, 5'6", 207lbs, I'm a student at Boise State in Idaho (no, not Ohio. Idaho! It's a state. Yes, we grow potatoes. No, we are not in the mid-west. We have this stuff called fry-sauce and its the ****. According to an ESPN poll, we are the only state that is not afraid of a wild gorilla attack. It's the best place in the world.) I also substitute teach. On the weekends I enjoy sticking my nose in a textbook for hours on end. Actually, I don't enjoy that. At all. But I'm hoping to convince myself that I do so that its not THAT bad. HA, yeah right. But that's really all I do with my life.

So, now, you're thinking, "oh, I'm Paleo (or primal), and she's awesome, soooo I'm going to tell her to add me".
And then you're going to tell me to add you and then I'm going to add you. and we're going to be friends for life. Or, at least until I get off of MFP again.

I'll try not to be too obnoxious. And this is where I get super serious: I promise to never post a whiny, negative, Sad Sally post. I'm a positive person who likes to make people feel good!


  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    I'm eating about 80% towards the lifestyle, with exception of weekends. You can feel free to add me.

    The biggest reason I eat towards paleo/primal is for the macro of proteins/fat/carbs towards the end of the day. My gf doesn't follow the same plan, so you'll see a potato sneak onto my daily intake every now and then.

    Edit: I don't do crossfit or cardio, so no help there.
  • bviv89
    bviv89 Posts: 36 Member
    We can be friends. I'm at UI in Moscow and super interested in paleo. I work at a food co-op and have regular contact with all kinds of dietary needs. I scoffed a little originally at the idea of paleo, but I see the clean benefits now :)
  • croooz
    croooz Posts: 48 Member
    I'm least I try to be as much as possible. My wife is as well. She's getting closer by eliminating sugar from her coffee which has me pretty excited.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am just starting Paleo (first week) and I am VERY excited about it. I hope to make this a new life style choice.
  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been doing Lacto-Paleo for a month now and 6 months before I fell off. Last year January, when I found my sister was doing Paleo, I sort of what confused about the concept and the benefits. After doing Paleo for 6 months before, I reaped the benefits fully. Like everything else in my life, I stopped because well... life got in the way. This time I'm determined to keep it in my lifestyle.

    I try to keep it at 80/20. There some things that are a little more difficult to follow for me. Unfortunately, my area has limited farmers markets and organic produce/meat is 10x more than the regular price stuff. So, although I'm not doing the complete organic stuff, I'm still following the general rules - proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds and healthy oils. I have also included dairy this time around because I found that it keeps it interesting. I don't have dairy at EVERY meal, just usually at snack time. So, I've stuck with the healthier dairy options - greek yogurt, 2% cheese, etc. I do limit my dairy intake, though.

    I do miss my processed carbs (lol), but when I see how my body responds to Paleo, I don't regret my decision at all. I have lost a total of 9 pounds, off of my anxiety/depression meds, perfect cholesterol, perfect blood pressure, and just an overall sense of clarity. If you need suggestions, tips, recipes, etc... friend me! I have tons to offer!
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm primal (with the odd hiccup) been doing it for about 8 months now
  • I'm working on becoming Paleo. I'm slowly working my way there. I've never been a fan of dairy, so that is gone, but I still have the occassional grain. Cutting cookies out of my life has been hard!