Exercise for those who hate exercise.

Hi guys, I'm gonna start out by saying I'm lazy so therefore didn't search to see if there was already a topic posted to this effect.

But I'm wondering what kind of exercise people would reccomend for someone who is poor, owns a kettlebell and has no desire to work out other than to lose weight.

To put it short I hate most exercise apart from walking, swimming, hiking ... generally fun things, I really like my kettlebell and do the Tim Ferris kettlebell exercise.

I know all the standard solutions... I'm a smart guy.. I know how to research. I'm just wondering if anyone out there has had the same problem where they just don't enjoy all exercises, and what might you recommend for someone on a £0 budget.


  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Since you seem to enjoy swimming, why not stick with that? It's a great full body work out. My gym is fairly cheap with the swimming fee ($1.75is). Is there a league you can join? Basketball, baseball, football? I don't know just my two cents. Good luck.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Hi guys, I'm gonna start out by saying I'm lazy so therefore didn't search to see if there was already a topic posted to this effect.

    But I'm wondering what kind of exercise people would reccomend for someone who is poor, owns a kettlebell and has no desire to work out other than to lose weight.

    To put it short I hate most exercise apart from walking, swimming, hiking ... generally fun things, I really like my kettlebell and do the Tim Ferris kettlebell exercise.

    I know all the standard solutions... I'm a smart guy.. I know how to research. I'm just wondering if anyone out there has had the same problem where they just don't enjoy all exercises, and what might you recommend for someone on a £0 budget.

    Skogg System kettlebell DVDs. Pirate them if you have to. Also kitty8tim youtube channel. Using a kettlebell is great exercise in and of itself. All you need to do IMO.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you like walking, hiking and swimming, walk, hike and swim. If you like your kettlebell, then do some squats (you'll eventually need to up your weight), kettle bell swings, etc.
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    I can't get enough from lifting weights -- progress comes from the amount you can lift every few weeks and generally feeling better. It's also trending as a huge benefit to trimming fat from recouperation during the day after. Furthermore, 5 minute or less sets compared to 30min-1hr of cardio that you might give up on.

    The best investment I've made is joining a $10/mo gym. It has everything I need and most people stick to the cardio machines. Free weights are all mine. All at the price of avoiding two lunches of fast food restraunts a month. I have student loans, a new car payment, and a woman who likes her fashion to keep up with, so I don't have that much money on the side either.

    If not spending money is a must then exploring the walking paths of local parks is pretty fun too
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Commute by bike. I don't do exercise for exercise's sake but there's joy in getting from A to B powered by that naughty biscuit I snaffled before leaving the office!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Enjoying exercise makes it easier, however enjoyment is not a requirement.

    I don't particularly enjoy mowing my lawn. And yet I still mow the lawn because otherwise it would be overgrown and out of control.
    Washing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, cleaning up dog poop - it's safe to say that no one enjoys these tasks. The tasks still get done.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I have zero money also!!! I have found walking and biking are great calorie burns!!! Walk anywhere you can!!

    Anything you can stick with will give you proven results in the end.
  • Stairs, or lacking those, step stool. Up and down and up and down. Crazy good workout. Maybe some high energy music you enjoy to keep you moving.
  • lorie_
    lorie_ Posts: 3

    The best and the chipest and the most effective is BodyFlex. I bought the book several years ago (costs about 3$ or somtheing). Training only 15 minuts a day, no equipment needed :)

    My last results were minus 4 sizes for 3 months but only minus 3,5 kg weight. But You need to eat only proper food and much protein :)

    Sorry for English :)

    Good luck and good look :)
  • JHarr454
    JHarr454 Posts: 50 Member
    Seems like you have your answer.

    Swimming, hiking, walking and kettlebell are more than enough to lose weight. That's what I do, plus occasional team sports, but that's not the bulk of what I do.

    I have the Iron Core kettlebell videos from Amazon and I like them.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Swim/ walk/ hike faster of further or for a longer period of time to increase results from exercise. Only do what you enjoy doing for exercise or else you will end up not doing it anymore. I like yoga and dance and most classes at a gym. I also work 3 jobs, I exercise 4 hours on a good week and 1-2 on a bad week, you don't need to do a whole lot of exercise just make sure you are active. Monitoring what you eat is really what facilitates most weight loss but exercise definitely has its place within a healthy lifestyle.

    Edit to clarify what I was trying to say*
  • DringusDrungus
    DringusDrungus Posts: 12 Member
    I use distraction techniques- I put on high energy music with good sound variation, and force myself to really focus on HEARING every nuance of sound. It works better for me if I'm familiar with and enjoy what I'm hearing, because I'll match my motion to the music, and I'll push past my goals to listen to a good song.
  • lorie_
    lorie_ Posts: 3
    OR just go shopping! :)
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    I've recently found out about the tabata workout, you tube some different ways to work out and get the app, think you only need to do it for 4 minutes 3 times a week.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    To put it short I hate most exercise apart from walking, swimming, hiking ... generally fun things, I really like my kettlebell and do the Tim Ferris kettlebell exercise.

    You are a big jump ahead of me! I hate ALL exercise, including walking. BORING!!

    To make things worse, I've had something of an exercise phobia for years. Elevated heart rate and shortness of breath makes me sure that I'm going to have an asthma attack or heart attack. I saw a doc, got a stamp of approval on the ol' ticker and was given an inhaler. Here is what I've done ...

    I picked up an Omron pedometer ($25 US on Amazon) and I walked. (cardio)
    I started with 1,500 steps and worked my way up. Four months later, my current goal is 7,000 steps a day. My pedometer keeps me accountable. If I've not walked, the low numbers are right there staring me. (I have recently upgraded to a Fitbit One, thanks to my son, but that's a costly little $100 gadget.)

    Next thing I did was invest in a set of SPRI resistance bands and a door attachment. (strength)
    I watched a bunch of resistance bands videos on YouTube and created my own little mini workout. The bands I bought are light (too light for a young man your age), medium (which I mostly use now) and heavy (too hard for me at the moment). The set of three and the door attachment cost me about $50, including a $12-13 shipping charge. You can probably find something cheaper in your local sporting goods store. I chose these because I wanted the foam handles.

    This week, I downloaded the "C25k Free" android app for my cell phone. Yes, it really is free! (cardio)
    I've done Week 1, Day 1 & Day 2. For me, it's a real killer, but it's also kind of fun. Another app that young folks keep talking about is the "Zombies, Run!" app (that's Zombies, plural not to be confused with another app that is singular). It normally costs about $8, but as of yesterday it was on sale for $3.99 at Google Play.

    I know two of the three things I mentioned cost money, but if you got them all at once they are less than $75. Perhaps you might convince a parent to purchase one of the items now, celebration for the weight you've already lost. (Congrats!) And maybe they can buy you another one after you lose the next 20 pounds.

    Also, If you have access to a pool and enjoy swimming, that would be a wonderful workout!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member

    Tons of exercise videos out there. I definitely use it sometimes when I do not feel like running or hitting the gym
  • kitty_764
    kitty_764 Posts: 64
    I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but check out Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. You walk in place with a few various steps and sometimes you incorporate hand weights, bands, etc depending on the video.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    If you already have hiking gear, try geocaching. Just download a free geocaching app for your phone (or splurge $10 on the official app), become a basic member of geocaching.com (also free) and go for it! You will barely notice that you're burning calories :)
  • When I am watching tv, sometimes I won't just sit still or lay on the couch.. I would lift my legs, maybe lift my dumbbell while I laying watching the tv... I don't count the rep, I just stop till it hurts...lol
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If your only goal is to lose weight then you don't need to exercise. Eat at a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    However, clearly there are other benefits to exercise including vascular health, retaining muscle mass and bone density. Swimming and walking are great forms of cardiovascular exercise. Walking is load bearing so its good for joint and bone health.

    To retain muscle mass strength training is important. Try to find some form of strength training you enjoy, whether it's body weight work or free weights. Try some things out, you might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.