New and need support and calorie counting help


I joined on here about a week ago and absolutely love it here. I admit I spend way to much time in here than I should at But Im trying so hard to get a grip on this and take charge of my health and my weight this time and do it for the right reasons.
I have alway been up and down with the same 5 lbs on and off. They used to be easy to take off with minimal effort. I recently went through a divorce, well a year ago this past September. I moved in with my mom and she fed me goooood....Not to mention the bottle of wine we split every night sitting up dealing with my issues and talking about the divorce (what are moms for anyways right???) Well mom made me 3 meals a day and after 4 months of living with her I packed on 15 or more pounds. I managed to take off about 10 but that fluctuating 5 kept coming back, and lately it isnt going back off and has been stuck with me for a good while now.
I really am looking to loose about 10-15 pounds and get to a good healthy weight, but more importantly Im wanting to learn how to eat properly, fuel my body when I workout and change my eating habits.

I am totally confused by this TDEE calculation and need help knowing what to put into MFP for my daily calorie goal since I work out at least 4 days a week. I keep reading different things and getting confused.

I also am looking for friends to share their diaries with so that I can get snack and meal ideas. I am NOT a cook and usually end up eating basic or convienient food. I eat by myself most of the time so there is no need to cook for one in my opinion...But I need some help with calorie/fat/protien/and carb proportions and I need help with food choices. Is there anyone out there that would want to share their diary with me that has had some good success?


  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    Friend request coming :) My diary is open to my friends. Anyone may feel free to add me. The more support and motivation the better :)