should I wear HRM all day - just to see?

gpies Posts: 56 Member
Hi everyone - I've posted a few times before regarding my lack of progress so to speak. I've been on here for months and have been doing well with my eating and exercising. Much more than I had been prior to being on this site. So, I have lost maybe 1 lb at the most. I am at 1200 cals, am 5 ft tall and have a small amount that I am trying to rid. Last 5-10 lbs. I have days where I am over and days where I am under but mainly stay at the 1200 area. Exercise burns anywhere from 300-400 cals but I do try and eat them. Nothing. Few areas tightening up, which is nice, but no major progress. So here's my thought, I initially thought that maybe because I am small, I didn't need the 1200 but now I'm thinking that I even need many more cals than that? Could this be possible? I have 5 kids, rarely sit down at any point during the day - except when I am at work a few days a week - but I am literally on my feet until about 9 at night for an hour or so. Up and down stairs, walking, carrying kids or laundry, etc., playing with the baby, being transportation driver, etc. Never a sit still moment for me - ever! (Not joking here). This is aside from when I get some time to exercise. So, could I be burning more than I think just by my daily routine and now not eating enough????????? Oh, it;s killing me. I know that the "vanity" pounds at the end may not be necessary, but I do feel as though they need to go. I feel as though I have been dedicated although I do allow myself frozen yogurt at night and a piece of dark chocolate during the day and feel like that shouldn't be interfering too much with the loss that should be happening. Any thoughts?? (sigh)


  • MFR1974
    MFR1974 Posts: 92
    I think you definitely need to eat more calories. I'm 5'2" and have a desk job. Right now I'm eating about 1400 calories a day and eating back most of my exercise calories. When I was eating less than this I couldn't loose. I've heard it's really hard to loose when you get that close to your goal. But sounds to me like you are burning mad calories throughout each day! I'd add at least 500 calories a day and give it a month and see what happens. Good luck!
  • mommabat
    mommabat Posts: 1
    I was having the same problem with losing weight. I'm the same height too. lol I visited a dr, who told me that the biggest problem was not eating enough for what energy i was using. I have 2 kids, and just like you, rarely sit down. Add on walking to and from the school, and for errands, and I was using upwards of 2000 calories a day. The dr. told me that I needed to eat smaller meals more often, because I was using the thought pattern that I less I ate, the more I would lose. And I was gaining weight thinking something was wrong with me. I've been using a new ideas, eating about 1700 calories a day, and I've lost 5 lbs in a couple of weeks. Its a small step, but one in the right direction. Maybe try eating more veggies, and fruits during the day, and see if it helps with those last few pounds. As for them being vanity pounds, it is necessary for you to feel great about yourself for them to leave you. :) Hope this helps you get to your end result. Keep up the good work that you have been doing!