Gaining weight back that you lost . . .

I had lost 6 pounds as of my last weigh in last week. I weigh myself every Monday. Well, when I weighed myself yesterday, I was pretty much back where I started. I am so frustrated! My husband thinks it is because of my exercising and that I may be putting on muscle but I have a hard time with that since I don't intensely excerise but make sure that I am doing something every day to keep me motivated and moving in the right direction. I haven't been over too many times on my food calories but am over almost every day on my sugars--Ugh! So is it building muscle or something else? I need some explanation as my motivation to keep going at this point is slowing going down and I don't want it to. Help!


  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I would say that you are just having fluctuations in water weight. You could have eaten a meal high in sodium the day before which has caused you to hold onto water. Also, adding new exercise can cause your muscles to hold onto water. Hormone fluctuations can also cause you to hold onto water. Don't sweat it, it will work itself out if you are eating healthy and working out. It is highly unlikely that the weight gain is muscle.