Estoven----anybody taking it?

My doctor has suggested I take Estroven before committing to HRT. Doe anyone have any experience with this??? Thanks!


  • HuggzBug
    HuggzBug Posts: 4
    I went into full menopause about 2 months ago, I'm 51. I was having terrible nite sweats and hot flashes that were either waking me up or keeping me up. I started taking the Estoven for sleep about 2 weeks ago. It started working immediately. I only take one before bedtime and it has cut the hot flashes down to one every few nites, and those are bearable, and I haven't woke with any nite sweats at all. I've also started taking Black Cohosh supplement during the day, and that helps with the hot flashes all day. Since starting those 2 I'm sleeping much better and my energy level has increased. I'm starting a regular walking program again that I'm hoping will help even more with energy and sleep. I won't do HRT.