Want to run...but shin splints

masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
I have a history of getting shin splints even from an early age. I remember my first shin splints in elementary school (and I was not over weight then). I also was diagnosed with aerobic induced asthmatic cough when I was in middle school. Needless to say, I haven't run in a very long time. I've recently been thinking about getting started with running. I know I'll have to start at a slow jog and build up, but what to do about the shin splints? Any advice?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    There's different stretches you can do to help ease the pain/avoid shin splints. Try some Googling, I'm bad at explaining. Build up your walking base first. When you can do 30 minutes at a brisk walk, you're ready tos tart running. Do a gradual/interval program like Couch to 5K. Keep your pace slow at first, build endurance, then work on speed. And, if you have a history of shin splints and you have asthma, then I'd definitely recommend you get a physical and medically cleared to walk/run/exercise at all.
  • lb7970
    lb7970 Posts: 79 Member
    Look up some exercises for warming up your legs prior to running for shin splints. Like walking on your tip toes, walking with toes pointed out, then toes pointed in are a few examples. Try walking and warming up for a good 10-15 minutes before running. Also if you can run outside on the side of the road or trails, it's less impact than the pavement. Others have reported using their local high school tracks as a softer surface to run. I have also tried compression socks or compression sleeves help. They carry them at most sporting goods stores but are a little pricey. The best thing you could do would be to go to a specialized running store where they watch how you run and then suggest the appropriate running shoes depending on how you run. Good luck running!