Female runners and safety



  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I've run thousands of miles on wooded trails---met a mountain lion and some wild boars-but mostly I was safe.

    Here's what I suggest:

    1) Run with a buddy or have someone ride a bike with you.
    2) Always leave a note or tell someone where you are
    3) Run with a phone [but check that it will work where you are going]
    4) I don't like ---and have never run with a weapon----any weapon can be turned against you. For example, after being sprayed with pepper spray by accident I was out of commission and in so much pain I couldn't have fought anything or anyone.
    5) Borrow a good running dog.

    Join a running club if you don't know anyone who can run with you.

  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    A suggestion I got was to install an app that tracks your run via GPS - usually used for tracking mileage, speed, etc. - but it also shows location.

    Give your login info in to your significant other or other friend/family member and they can track your run.

    Beyond the crime aspect, you could also trip and knock yourself unconscious, and this shows where you are.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Miss... miss... you dropped your... *BAM*

    and so ends the life of a "crazy stalker dude" who turned out to be a guy just trying to give a female jogger the key she dropped on her last lap around the block.

    * * * * *

    I have been scared running before... terrified once, actually... but I cannot carry a weapon legally... and even if I could, I would not. I have come to realize that I can be attacked at any time, any place, by any one... and for goodness sake, I REFUSE to live in fear. I will continue to run, I will continue to listen to my music while running, and I will continue to take my path along the river road that can be secluded at times.

    I do carry my phone, and choose to have some faith that it will work out in the end.