Let's do a little crossfit..4 rounds

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
This is going to kick your azz..seriously, let's get it started.

I'm going to give you a run down of the exercises, no rest in between, just enough time to catch some air, then bulldoze through, Hopefully you'll complete all 4 rounds in under 40 minutes, and you'll be screaming!

We're starting off with a quick cardio warm up and some light stretching

1st exercise, a burpee to a high box jump, have a high platform at the ready, I use 8 risers a side, 16 in total on an aerobic platform, as high as you can go, do your burpee then jump up onto the platform and down again, this is 1, now do 8.

2nd exercise, dumbbell squats, holding the dumbbells at your side, squat, as low as you can go, do 8

3rd exercise, burpee to pullup, do your pushup underneath the pullup bar, once you've completed the pushup jump up and do your pull up do 5 of these, catch your breathe now do 3, catch your breathe cause you ain't finished, now give me 2 more.

4th exercise, clean and press with dumbbells...you should google this one to see proper form if you're not familiar with the exercise, it's a litle hard to explain without seeing a video to go along with it, do 8

5th exercise, burpee with a side jump, ( I use two dumbbells stanging straight up side by side as my jump over item, anything will work you don't need to have it high) once you've completed your pushup jump sideways over the db now pushup again and jump sideways over the db, do it 10x's, not ea side just 10 in total, unless you really want to do it 10x's a side :laugh:

final exercise, Dumbbell push press, a little hop and bring db's to shoulder height, keep em there and do push presses, never letting the db's come lower then your shoulder. 8x's

You've now successfully completed ONE round, take a breather and do 3 more, I know you can, your body will be screaming but it'll be a good scream! I want to challenge everyone who reads this post to give it a try....it's worth the burn.


  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    What's a burpee???
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I dont have dumbells.. (is there anything else I can use instead?)

    also I'm unsure what a burpee is..

    not so sure I can complete a pull up (do I just try my best?)

    for #5 - is it supposed to be push up instead of burpee? In the second part it says push up jump sideways but at the beginning it says burpee with side jump

    It sounds VERY tough.. but I would like to try it at least once..
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You can replace db's with resistance bands.



    Should make sense now.

    This workout is not for beginners IMO. You need to have fairly good strength already. If you can't do one pullup yet then this isn't for you. To assist with pullup strength you can start by using a lat pulldown machine or do negatives which means you stand on a chair or something and grab pullup bar from the top position and lower yourself slowly. (this can be done with heaps of exercises and can help with plateaus)

    If my knee is feeling better tomorrow, I will give this a go and post up my time :)
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