Binged. Feel like crap.

Title's pretty self explanatory. Haha. Basically, I feel like I've been on this horrible cycle of "I'm doing great today! Oh no, I binged." :( Everyone keeps saying, "Tomorrow's a new day!" But I am just so depressed. GAH. Anyone been in my shoes?


  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Forgive. Deep Breaths and lemon water. Take a quiet moment to yourself and ask what was the precurser - was it temptation? a tough day? What emotions were broiling? We all do it, don't feel bad. But your binge is trying to tell you something, see if you can find the deeper message and learn from it.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    I like to try to understand why the eating made me feel better when I was doing it. Sometimes, if I'm starting to go out to the kitchen with no reason, I need to reframe that behavior immediately. Since finding MFP, I open my iPad and look for help. If you can string a few good days in a row, you'll feel a lot better! Hang in there!