Are ya droppin'?

Are you losing weight, if that's your goal? If you are then stay on track but if you're not and have been in a "plateau" since the Regan administration they clearly you've conceded to an unofficial surrender. If you're losing, and I mean really honest to goodness currently dropping then week after week then what would you recommend to the "plateau people" and if you are amongst the "plateau people" what are you doing to get out? This information can be a gold mine to someone.

I'm going to list what I do to not become a "plateau person" but I do understand that it may in fact be to wild and crazy for some:

1. I weigh myself almost every day but at least 3 times a week to see which direction I'm heading in.
1 a) if I'm losing weight half way through the week I don't change anything (ain't broke don't fix)
1 b) if I'm gaining weight and I haven't changed my diet or exercise then I need to change some variable (diet, exercise, both)
1 c) if I'm the same weight I may still potentially lose weight; if I don't then the see 1b) and if I do then see 1a)

2. If I've decided to change my exercise routine then I typically try to change the intensity rather than duration, i.e. HIIT cardio

3. If I've decided to change my diet I personally will drop some complex carbs and at the same time add fibrous carbs so I don't go hungry (fiber is filling).

This is just some quick ideas right off the top of my head. Would anyone else like to add their favorite remedy?


  • emcm99
    emcm99 Posts: 3
    Thanks, I have been sitting on the plateau now for a couple of weeks and it is driving me wacko, this helps.