Looking for tips regarding aquagym

Hi everyone! nice to meet you, my name is Adriana, I'm 27 years old and I'm from Argentina.

I have A LOT of weight to lose, in order to do it I'm eating better, keeping track of what I eat (thanks to my fitness pal :D) and I am taking care of my hypothyroidism with the help of my endocrinologist. I also started Aqua-gym today, I will be going 3 times a week.

I'm looking for any tips you can provide, for instance:

-Is there any particular kind of food to eat before (and/or) after gym to help me lose weight?
-Is it better to drink water or some kind of "sport drink" such as gatorade?
-how do you deal with the chlorine in your hair and skin?

Or any other tip you can think of, they are all appreciated :D

Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to your answers :)

Adri -Purple Ladybug


  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    I do water aerobics 5 days a week 45-90 minutes each day. I also have a lot of weight to lose. I love it because I can do things in the water that I can't do on land like jumping jacks and running. I believe in eating a well balanced diet. Eat fewer calories than you use up and you will lose weight. Plain water is fine. You do not "sweat" like you do on land. The water keeps you cooler. Take a shower and wash your hair after being in the pool. That should take care of the chlorine. The chemicals do eat up your suit. I go through a bathing suit every 2-3 months. I have not bought one that is supposed to be chlorine resistant. I just keep looking for good sales. Hope you enjoy yourself! :smile:
  • Purple_Ladybug
    Purple_Ladybug Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! :D I loved my first class today, it was great!
    I bought a bathing suit that's supposed to be chlorine resistant, but I think I'll buy another just in case.
    It's very hard to find a large bathing suit (and woman's clothing in general) I better stock up on those now that I found a place that sells them.

    Thanks for the tip Lintino!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    4 years ago at 560 lbs. and unable to walk let alone stand for 30 seconds at a stretch. I had to do something and it was my Endo doctor that wrote me a script for Aquatic therapy. I used water displacement at our YMCA therapy pool to allow me to stand long enough to be able to exercise. I walked from one side of the pool to the other and the very first session I could only do 5 minutes and was completely exhausted. but I went back and each time I did alittle more.. Constantly building on my previous workout and over the course of 17 months I lost 170 lbs. in the pool... I continue to split time between the pool and exercise out of the pool. My advice to you is do not over think it. Just take things one day at a time, do everything you can do today to be as successful as you possible can and when you go to bed have no regrets. Then when you get up focus on that day and do it all over again.... Are you able to work with a dietician? I have type 2 diabetes and when I got set up with my Endo doctor they also assigned me a dietician to help me set up my meal plans and set my caloric intake and macro's. I use the low calorie gatorade grape powder in my water.... As far as the chlorine just take a good body wash and shower when you get out of the pool. They make some swimmer body washes and hair products. I use these and they seem to work well.. I use eye goggles to help with the chlorine in the eyes and also use Systane Ultra eye drops after I get out cause the pool always dries my eyes out.... Hope that helps.... Best of Luck
  • Hi

    You can find good deals on chlorine resistant swimwear online at swimoutlet.com or ebay if you know your size. If you want to protect your hair, put conditioner on and get a swim cap.

    It is also an excellent idea to buy some good water aerobic shoes and gloves for more resistance in the water.

    You can build your core, get a cardio workout and build muscle by going regularly.

    Water aerobics is excellent cardio exercise, if you workit!

    YOU should work hard enough to be breathing hard, but not out of breath.

    Weight training with a stability ball is also excellent.

    Good luck on your journey, don't ever let others intimidate you because you will ROCK in the pool!
