wheat free- how strict



  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Wheat is not GMO - it was hybridized and more before they started creating GMOs. The resulting mutations make today's wheat products worse than GMOs.
    No they don't. Wheat belly is junk science.
    This kind of uncritical, unevidenced thinking will drag us back to the dark ages.
    Take your tinfoil hat off, the pollution from smelting the aluminium is worse.

    I tell you what. I'll keep wearing my tinfoil hat & you can stay under that rock that blinds you.
    And without improvements and discoveries in agriculture, how do you propose to feed this over populated world?
    Can they all come to your commune?
    Every vegetable and animal you consume today has been hybridised by us, for us. what do you eat?
    Cultivar, cultivar, cultivar, cross-breed, cross-breed, cross-breed.
    There are very few wild-type genomes left. I doubt you are consuming them. Correct me if I am wrong.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    The key detail is....don't get rid of wheat unless you truly feel you're intolerant or you've been diagnosed as Celiac's. It's way too expensive of a diet.

    Gluten free doesn't have to be all that expensive. Rice is pretty cheap and readily available, as is corn (like in corn tortillas, tostadas, etc). "Faking" gluten IS a bit pricey, but you can get along fine without GF pasta, biscuit mix , bread and wraps. The rest is just mostly reading labels and avoiding certain ingredients. That said, there's no real point to going gluten free unless you have Celiac or have intolerance symptoms that pretty clearly correlate with "exposure" to gluten, because it can be hard to follow and still have a social life (don't forget that most beer and fast food/snack food is full of gluten)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If you replace all your bread with gluten free stuff then you're most likely adding in sugar...I will never understand this fad of going gluten free. I bet it pisses off people that really can't have gluten because people go out and buy up all the gluten free stuff thinking it's a hip new diet.
  • pomegranatemint
    pomegranatemint Posts: 37 Member
    The only reason I went gluten free is because my dietitian told me to due to IBS.

    I don't know if it's just that...but my fullness in the tummy has gone and headaches reduced dramatically. I still use gluten free products, mainly just the flour to make pancakes.

    Sure seems to the craze at the moment. Isn't it basically just making it a low carb diet? Anything low carb will make you feel less fuller in the stomach.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Wheat is not GMO - it was hybridized and more before they started creating GMOs. The resulting mutations make today's wheat products worse than GMOs.
    No they don't. Wheat belly is junk science.
    This kind of uncritical, unevidenced thinking will drag us back to the dark ages.
    Take your tinfoil hat off, the pollution from smelting the aluminium is worse.

    I tell you what. I'll keep wearing my tinfoil hat & you can stay under that rock that blinds you.
    And without improvements and discoveries in agriculture, how do you propose to feed this over populated world?
    Can they all come to your commune?
    Every vegetable and animal you consume today has been hybridised by us, for us. what do you eat?
    Cultivar, cultivar, cultivar, cross-breed, cross-breed, cross-breed.
    There are very few wild-type genomes left. I doubt you are consuming them. Correct me if I am wrong.

    I don't know how to feed the world in a healthy way. I do know that the modern has created increased disease throughout the world that did not exist before this way of eating. A huge world population of sick people is not a good solution IMO.

    I do not have Celiac and have not had allergy testing done but eliminating wheat made such a huge difference in how I feel that I have no desire to ever eat it again.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you replace all your bread with gluten free stuff then you're most likely adding in sugar...I will never understand this fad of going gluten free. I bet it pisses off people that really can't have gluten because people go out and buy up all the gluten free stuff thinking it's a hip new diet.
    I thought the OP and the rest of us who replied were pretty clear about why we eliminated gluten.
  • Maxieboy123
    If you replace all your bread with gluten free stuff then you're most likely adding in sugar...I will never understand this fad of going gluten free. I bet it pisses off people that really can't have gluten because people go out and buy up all the gluten free stuff thinking it's a hip new diet.
  • Maxieboy123
    Not into fads, into moderation and was just wondering if cutting back was beneficial.
  • PeterRz
    PeterRz Posts: 15 Member
    Maxie: your best bet is to do some level of elimination test yourself as mentioned earlier. To do this, as far as I know and how I did it, is simple: quit eating wheat entirely for a couple weeks and keep a food journal noting what you eat, time, and how you feel. Then after a couple weeks, reintroduce wheat (pizza, pasta, whatever) and note how you feel after eating it. Try a small amount first so you don't confuse any level of intolerance you may have with a simple carb crash. I found with myself that eating wheat (even small-ish amounts) caused me to get very tired/groggy and bloated/gasy, so it was a no brainer to drop it. Since dropping it (three months now), I can attest that I am no longer sleepy after eating and gas is pretty much gone (unless I eat something like yogurt).
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    If you replace all your bread with gluten free stuff then you're most likely adding in sugar...I will never understand this fad of going gluten free. I bet it pisses off people that really can't have gluten because people go out and buy up all the gluten free stuff thinking it's a hip new diet.

    Actually, I've found lots of good gluten free replacements which are not bad on sugar. Gluten free does not equate with sugar. I eat waffles - just made of rice and buckwheat and other grains. I look at labels and purchase the healthy stuff. Heck, you can find tons of unhealthy wheat laden cookies and crackers full of sugar that are horrible for you. I would say that some gluten free bread style products are higher in calories - but it's because of having to make them with cheese to get a certain consistency. Calories are usually the problem but if you're careful, you can find healthy gluten free items.

    To be honest, I don't mind that people are eating gluten free if it makes them feel better. If anything, it means that more companies are making products that I would never have had access to because of people choosing to do this. The more on the wagon, the cheaper the products and the more produced. I'd never tell someone, how dare you - you took my pizza! Cheese!

  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    If you aren't celiac, why cut the wheat? when it isn't bad if you eat them in their whole form
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I have a severe allergy to wheat. For me I can not eat anything that has even been processed on equipment. You will see many debates on going gluten (wheat free). I think that if you dont have a medical reason than dont give it up. You just need to eat it in moderation just like you do with everything else.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I think for those that don't have a diagnosed wheat allery/celiac, the benefit lies moreso in cutting out proccessed, refined carbs. For a lot of people (myself included) it has helped with the myraid of digestive issues they experience.

    I have cut out gluten since February, and I feel much, much better. I can handle small doses of gluten (cross-contamination, a single bite) but I still feel consquenses. I still eat oats, and I was using soy sauce but I think I may need to eliminate that as well.

    I am not diagnosed, but it makes me feel better, my skin is much better, my bloating has decreased, my headaches have subsided.

    It's important to note, we still need carbs. I get my carbs from vegetables, fruit, yams, rice, etc.