What to do if you’re a picky eater?



  • kg2run
    kg2run Posts: 25
    I used to be the world's pickiest eater and didn't like much of anything. Now I can't believe all the yummy foods I've been missing and mostly look forward to trying new things.

    I've heard it can take tasting something 7+ times to begin to acquire a taste for it. So I've found ways to make certain foods more tolerable. Whenever I said I didn't like something growing up my mom would say put ketchup on it; I've adapted that into expanding what I'm willing to eat. I used to hate broccoli and now I eat it fairly regularly -- with a bit of parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. Sweet potatoes I started eating them as fries and now will eat them just about any way. Quinoa I didn't like the first few times I made it, but then I found some other recipes and found out it could be really tasty depending on how it was used. If you eat iceburg lettuce, slowly start incorporating other greens into your salads, etc.
  • sarahkalt88
    sarahkalt88 Posts: 51 Member
    If you ask around at the gym, online etc., you'll notice a lot of people who eat really healthy often eat the same things. So if you find a few things that you do like that work within your required caloric intake then stick with those! The biggest upside of that is that you'll get really efficient at prepping your meals and you'll be less likely to "pick something up" to save time!
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I agree with someone else who said allot of it is developing a taste for it... its just like running... I hate it but I've been doing it so long I look forward to taking my little dogs to the track every day....

    I used to not touch allot of stuff I eat now...but I would find recipes that called for it and had it in it so that I could eat the stuff but not really be eating it...if that makes sense.... Later on I would start just eating whatever it was that I didn't nessicarily care for...and after awhile it really wasn't so bad....

    Being diagnosed with IC has had a huge hand in that.... Things I used to love I can no longer eat...nothing acidic (tomatoes, fruits ect) ect was the big thing... I loved all that stuff but dropping it has helped me loose... I really miss the fruits and that sucks but allot of the stuff I ate with tomatoe was junk....

    But like others have said plan your meals around what you like to eat.... Try to get enough calcium and viatmins ect in every day and take a multivitamin to