anyone else dislike healthy foods?



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    take a cooking class, grab a cook book, whatever. healthy food is effing delicious. just most of us don't know how to cook so it's always the same bland, boring thing.

    branch out with your recipes, and try things you think you "don't like"

    because the reality is this - if you wanna be healthy, you have to eat veggies. end of story.
  • ragingmrs
    ragingmrs Posts: 34
    If most of the "healthy" food you are talking about are carbs, of course you are getting hungry sooner. My husband is ravenous and cranky if he doesn't have enough protein. I suggest making certain that you get carbs, proteins and fats in each meal and eat three times a day, plus a few small snacks. This gives you fast, medium and slow fuels for your body.
  • TJMiddaugh
    TJMiddaugh Posts: 67 Member
    I agree with other posters who have said that you can make healthier versions of your favourite foods. It actually feels like quite a victory knowing you can make something delicious that is actually doing wonderful things for your body!

    I also say: keep forcing it down. Believe me, your tastes will change. At least mine did and I've heard several others say the same. As I started to eat healthier and healthier, I noticed that the stuff I used to LOVE (fast food, chips, cupcakes, fried foods) have almost no appeal to me now. I really truly believe that once you start feeding your body what it really needs, your tastes will adapt to crave that nutrition you are supplying.

    this is so true. the further removed you get from all the junk the easier it is to not have heroine like cravings for it. they design that stuff to do that to you. they have been "enhancing" flavor with all sorts of taste bud and health killing stuff. once removed from all the bad fats, sodium's, cane sugars, and all the craziness that is fast/processed food your taste buds will come back to life again. kind of like when a smoker quits smoking and they regain their sense of smell and realize how nasty cigarettes actually smell and are for you (speaking from experience) i have the added benefit of having over 16 years of culinary experience, and health really starts in your kitchen. i used to eat the average american diet of garbage also. but i cant even drive by one of those fast food joints now without becoming semi ill from the smell, and thought.

    i hope maybe you can continue to stay strong, and do some research to help spice up your meals abit. theres so many easy healthy alternatives. and if time becomes a problem, what i do is pull out about 5-6 portions of whatever protein (beef, chicken, pork, etc..) from the freezer (once thawed) and season/sear it up on one side real nice, and flip them but dont cook them all the way through. then refrigerate them in their juices also, then cook up some brown rice, and a bunch of side veg to aldente (still semi firm) and also refrigerate them too. that way i can just throw it all in one pan w/lid on med high heat with a touch of liquid (white wine, red wine, water, chicken broth, whatever) and have my meal ready in minutes,. then you can add different sauces to it to change the flavors if you really need some extra variety. sweet and sour, terriyaki, bbq, honey mustards whatever your heart desires really, just portion it according to your allowance and by the suggested size to track easily. and the clean up is alot easier than cooking it all form scratch every time also. at least that way you are eliminating the bulk of the garbage, and replacing it with a healthy alternative. this saves me a bunch of time and i can still have a great meal (as long as it is not over cooked to begin with) that tastes freshly cooked for 2-3 days. and repeat.

    when i have my friends over for dinner i just whip them up what i was having in a matter of seconds and they have no idea that it was pre cooked so to speak. thats my idea of fast food!

    if its chicken day, just cut the thing open and stuff it with cheese, ham, or something. in a pan with a lid, or top it with some marinara and a sclice of provolone and some liquid by the time the thing is reheated and finished cooking the ingriedients should be warmed and ready also. then you have pre cooked chicken you could cut up (maybe cook 1-2 pieces thoroughly) for a salad topper or chunk it up for a sandwich. that way your not ingesting TONS of sodiums, preservatives, and other craziness, that comes in things like lunch meats, or pre cooked meats. the little bit of salt you might add to brighten up your meal is no where near the amount of sodium they put in those things to lengthen the shelf life

    i always check out the meat isle's at the super markets for daily specials. what ever is a steal of a buy i pick it up, bring it home. throw it on the cutting board and trim it up and cut it into portion sizes and freeze it. then im always stocked and im eating for a great price also. got a huge pork tenderloin for like 2.29 per lbs the other day down from like 4.69 (spent 12 bucks instead of 26+ and got like 16 cuts out of it). to good to pass up, trimmed it up and cut it into like 4 oz portions and they were literally like 50 cents per portion all said and done. thats cheap, and efficient, which allows me to spend a little extra on my organic veggies.

    if you try this make sure their is space between them in the zip locks when you freeze them so you can just pull out individual portions without having a big chunk all froze to itself. this might be lame but its just some suggestions. hope it helps

    its unreal how much better i feel these days, and how much better food actually tastes. i forgot how sweet a carrot is. love them for snacks sorry for post overload lol :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Eat more fiber rich foods. Then just try to eat junk, lots of it. I am just kidding, don't try this at home it would be painful. And that is why I eat more fiber it makes it nearly impossible to eat junk food. It's kind of like a miracle cuz I was a junk food junkie, not fast food didn't like that. But, I could eat a bag of chips or a box of crackers or almost any kind of junk food from the supermarket. Now, that stuff just doesn't appeal to me to much, but I might have 5 or 6 Triscuits on occasion, when I just need to curb my hunger a bit.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    thanks everyone! A big part of it is that my boyfriend is doing the advocare system and has changed his life style completley so to me buying frozen french fries and chicken nuggets and cooking them at home is a win(better than mcdon) but he is all about really only eating healthy and natural things so to him...that is not healthy. which then makes me feel ughhh about it.
  • KellyHealthyBrindle
    I know how you feel...I am a is actually getting easier because I am working and where I work they server breakfast, so I've noticed if I eat more protein in the mornings and drink more water, I am less likely to snack after dinner. I'm diabetic as well ...mind you not a very good diabetic, but everyday is a struggle to choose the right things for me. I have an 11 year old and a 7 year old, both need to loose a little bit o weight, but the warmer weather is almost here and they live outside in the summer time!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    its been going down ok with me so far over 2 months in... i like that i dont feel that good if i splurge on junk food its a good internal reminder that the body really craves healthy fresh whole foods... but we have been eating chicken for lunch and dinner every night for like almost he 2 months... and i LOVE chicken, but that is getting old ... i know i could eat beef and ham and stuff... i hate and im not a huge beef fan... seafood we eat too. but i find with healthy food u have to plan out every little thing you eat which sucks. it takes me almost an hour just to make lunch most days its rediculous. making things healthy from home takes alot of time and thought.. sometimes i search the internet for hours looking for new ideas because ive made so many things im sick of them all.. ugh idk i could go on and on.
    Same with me!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    You perception of healthy food is sadly mistaken. I would suggest you join the clean eating group and look at a few of their food diaries. Mine is open as well. The recipes group is also a great one. There are a ton of very healthy recipes and food combinations that dont consist of chewing non stop raw vegetables or salad every day. If you do not find a way to resolve this misconception you are setting yourself up for failure. I love to eat and would not be able to do this if all my meals were repetitive and never changed. It is very discouraging. Also it is not the end of the world to enjoy a fast food meal in moderation as long as you make the healthiest options for you. Fiber and protein are very filling and keep you full. Good luck!
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    You just need to find better health foods. :) I CRAVE the healthy things I eat every day! I hate salad! But I LOVE healthy vegetables and delicious clean-food dishes. Join the clean eating group and see what they have to offer. I'll never go back to junk. Ever!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    thanks everyone! A big part of it is that my boyfriend is doing the advocare system and has changed his life style completley so to me buying frozen french fries and chicken nuggets and cooking them at home is a win(better than mcdon) but he is all about really only eating healthy and natural things so to him...that is not healthy. which then makes me feel ughhh about it.

    what about frozen chicken nuggets and french fries do you find healthy? interested in how you came to that decision.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hmmm... healthy food? How did it get that way? Did it lift weights and suck up lots of nutrients?

    Ok, a bit more seriously... as others have mentioned it's extremely unlikely that you actually dislike all "healthy foods". Even the pickiest eaters I know, like some healthy foods. You probably need to know more about what foods are good for your health and fitness. And you need to learn more about how to prepare wonderful tasting food using nutritious ingredients. Try checking out the recipes on this site.
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    I completely agree with you! I am the same way. I actually found an AWESOME meal that I tried tonight. I call it an egg burrito.. but I'm pretty sure I should change the name to "God's gift to Earth."

    Fry 2 eggs together in a small pan to about the thickness of flatbread. Add low/nonfat cottage cheese, turkey bacon, and salsa. Fold your egg like a taco, and demolish. It fills you up and is DELICIOUS!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    there are foods that you can make on your own that are much lower caloric alternatives than getting frozen nuggets -_-. you can always learn to cook things with similar that is not loaded with as much fat and carbs. While I do eat chicken tenders and fried food it seems like you do not like anything on the opposite end of the spectrum

    If you must have something like chicken nuggets costco sells some fish sticks that are actually very good quality.
    the calories arent that bad but I dont know how overboard you will go
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    there are foods that you can make on your own that are much lower caloric alternatives than getting frozen nuggets -_-. you can always learn to cook things with similar that is not loaded with as much fat and carbs. While I do eat chicken tenders and fried food it seems like you do not like anything on the opposite end of the spectrum

    If you must have something like chicken nuggets costco sells some fish sticks that are actually very good quality.
    the calories arent that bad but I dont know how overboard you will go

    i knew you were the type to enjoy putting fishsticks in your mouth. :tongue:
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Exactly what Alatariel75 said.

    We make homemade chicken fingers and fries when we get the fast food craving, or homemade burgers with lean beef. You don't need to stick to the standard of 'healthy eating' - Check her stuff out. She makes some great portion sizes too. We've made a ton from her website and have yet to be disappointed.

    i love extra lean burgers
    1/3 pound of extra lean.
    100 calorie sandwich bun, 2% cheese

    that burger is like 400 calories.

    i did that 5 times a day and still lost weight
  • xvegivorex
    i am trying to go vegetarian but i cannot stand raw vegetables, ESPECIALLY salad. so i pick the raw vegetables i like, like broccoli stems, cherry tomatoes, and radishes from my garden. come to think of it, a garden is an excellent way to incorporate vegetables (and other 'healthy' foods like fruits and herbs) into your diet. herbs eliminate the need to add a lot of extra salt to food, and eating in season is a way to prevent ingestion of harmful pesticides, which could interfere with thyroid function, making you gain weight (if u eat pesticides, that is) on salad, if you dont eat salad, try to pick a dressing you really like that is low cal and always have it handy for salads and cut up veggies, or make your own! i like balsamic vinegar. also you can make a lot of salad on sunday and have it mor the week- just dont forget about it, cuz certain lettuces like spring mix romaine and arugula can turn quickly…
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I hate most veggies. There are some I will not eat, period! Including green beans and brocolli, which are my husband's favorites! Still, I love a good salad made with a spinach base, and baked sweet potatoes are the win! Just have to keep trying until you find ones you like. There's no way I could go vegitarian, though. I need my meat!

    And really, I don't get sick from junk food, even now. I find it takes less to satisfy me than it did, which is good, but I've never been able to cut them completly out. I did discover you can eat for under 500 calories at Whataburger (including fries!). Not that it's a particularly healthy meal, but it's cheap, fills me up, and satisfies the hamburger craving for a while.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    people who claim to hate veggies generally suffer from a palate that has adapted to the standard american diet. eventually, if you slowly increase your consumption of them, your tastes will change.

    whether that's worth it to you depends on your priorities.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    i am trying to go vegetarian but i cannot stand raw vegetables, ESPECIALLY salad. so i pick the raw vegetables i like, like broccoli stems, cherry tomatoes, and radishes from my garden. come to think of it, a garden is an excellent way to incorporate vegetables (and other 'healthy' foods like fruits and herbs) into your diet. herbs eliminate the need to add a lot of extra salt to food, and eating in season is a way to prevent ingestion of harmful pesticides, which could interfere with thyroid function, making you gain weight (if u eat pesticides, that is) on salad, if you dont eat salad, try to pick a dressing you really like that is low cal and always have it handy for salads and cut up veggies, or make your own! i like balsamic vinegar. also you can make a lot of salad on sunday and have it mor the week- just dont forget about it, cuz certain lettuces like spring mix romaine and arugula can turn quickly…
    If you don't like raw vegetables, then don't eat raw vegetables, especially salad. But then in the next sentence contradicts your first... you like several raw vegetables and herbs.
    Vegetarians eat many things besides vegetables, and there is no requirement that they be raw. Make sure you're getting the proper nutrition, which is easier if you eat a varied diet.
    People are making this much harder than it needs to be... if you don't like a food, don't eat it. The food police will not show up on your doorstep telling you that you must eat it. You will not swell up like a balloon or blow over in the next gust of wind because you don't eat a food, or a few foods. There are hundreds of kinds of vegetables, many grains, different kinds of oils and fats, hundreds of fruits, thousands of herbs and spices. If you still eat eggs, dairy or fish, there are thousands more ingredients... Then, you can combine the ingredients in almost infinite different combinations, and you can prepare/mix/cook/chill/freeze them in many different ways. Given all those possibilities, anyone who can't find food that tastes good and is good for them... well, lacks imagination and/or motivation.