Insanity or P90X

I wanna hear from people who have tried both. I hit a Plateau and I'm starting to think it might be my workouts. I'm presently doing tapout xt but I need something tougher . I'm not the strongest but I think I'm ready for the challenge. I wanna try either insanity or P90X. Which ones harder and which one has shown more results


  • I've done workouts for both, and personally I like insanity wayyy more! The insanity workouts are really straight forward and they are tough, but well worth it. As long as you don't compromise your form for speed you'll really see decent results! don't want to go injurying your body! You keep motivated throughout the workouts, and it always made me feel a little better to see the really in shape people get tired, at least you know they're human!
    I have heard great reviews from both as long as you stick to them!
    good luck!!!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Neither. Go to the gym and do squats, dead lifts, bench press and overhead press.
