Doomed Due to Desk Job



  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I presume you have at least a half-hour break during your 12-hour days? Go for a run or a power walk! I haven't even got a shower in my office, but with inventive use of wet-wipes I can run three miles and get back in time to eat a sandwich at my desk.

    You're a champ! :happy:
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    I sit behind a desk 8 hours a day and also go to college part-time. The only way I find time to exercise is by making time. I get up earlier, go to bed later, watch less tv etc. All small sacrifices in the grand scheme of things.

    I know there are plenty of so called 'exercises' that you can do in the office but for me I'd rather just eat clean and work my butt off when I get to the gym.

  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I'm also in the AF and have worked shift work for the majority of my 10 years in. In addition to working unpredicable hours, panama schedules, and 12-14 hour days I've dealt with 6 deployments... and I'm pretty ripped.

    You have to make working out a priority in your life, but more importantly you have to watch what you eat. Don't rely on other people working shift to do 'food runs' for you; wake up early and pack your lunch/snacks in a cooler, plan your meals ahead of time, cook meals on your off days, etc. You really have no excuse that I haven't seen or heard before and dealt with myself.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    if you are doing a decent workout on your days off (quality not quantity), and sticking to yuor calories, you dont need to do extra when you're at work....
    I am but when im at work i feel like im just too idle.

    If thats the case do some bodyweight squats, pushups etc. on the floor while you're at work. Again, I don't see what the issue is... work hard on your time off, EAT PROPERLY, and you won't need to burn a billion calories at work as well.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    My husband is in the military and on the same schedule, and half the time his "off" days aren't even off. To top it off they switch him between days and nights fairly frequently. He still finds time to exercise a bit. It doesn't take that long...

    Are you worried about failing the weigh-in? Stick to your calories and you'll lose weight. Worried about failing the fitness part? Get in exercise when you can instead of making excuses. Besides, not to be rude, but they don't ask for that much for the test. Go running a couple times a week and do some sit-ups and push-ups before bed. Easy peasy.
    My ankle is messed up so i can't run right now but i do work out before bed and during the day while i have down time. its not working out on my time off thats the problem, its while im in the office. i know i can pass the pt test, im just concerned that since my ankle is messed up now its going to start affecting my scores.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I work a desk job... 9 hour days. Two girls and I get up every hour and do a random exercise. Sometimes its squats and lunges and others its crunches or push ups. Just something small that really adds up. 20 squats a day x 9 hours ends up being 180 squats in a day. And it only takes about 2 minutes.
    Will have to do this! thank you
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I joined the AF in order to get in better shape, but wouldnt you know it I got stuck with a desk job that requires me to sit for 12 hours a day. Currently we are on panama schedule, so i work three days them am off two, then work two, and finally off three. Its ridiculous, especially since I've been on nights and all I want to do when I get off work is sleep. Any advice on exercises i can do while in the office? I feel like this job is going to make me fail my PT test. I just need to figure out how i can stay in shape whioe having to remain behind a desk for the majority of my time.

    I work a desk job. I am an OS and I work 2 on 2 off and I get out there and do it. I keep to my schedule. If my weight lifting falls on a work day then I go after work.

    You joined the military. What you think it was going to be all roses and daisies? What did you expect? Them to hand you workout time on is silver spoon? Um no. And I am sorry, but I don't believe that they "handed you a desk job." As the saying goes "Choose your rate, choose your fate." Or in this case your MOS. Suck it up!

    Edited to add this...

    Do not wait until your are on your final chance to pass the PT test or the final weight in to stay in. MAKE the time now.
    really wish people would read my other comments, i DO work out on time off! This is strictly for extra things i can do WHILE AT work.
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    I presume you have at least a half-hour break during your 12-hour days? Go for a run or a power walk! I haven't even got a shower in my office, but with inventive use of wet-wipes I can run three miles and get back in time to eat a sandwich at my desk.
    No, we don't. We eat while working. Time is crazy limited so i want to know things that are fast to do while at work
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Do 20 squats every time you go to the bathroom (make sure the bathroom is empty so people don't look at you funny :laugh:)

    Do lunges when you walk around the house.

    Install a pull-up bar in your home and practice pull-ups several times throughout the day.

    Do spontaneous push-ups randomly at home when the opportunity presents itself.

    Get your walking in by choosing bathrooms further away (maybe a couple floors up or down if you work in a multi-floor building), taking more stairs, etc.

    Walk around the building during your lunch hour and/or go up and down stairs rather than just eating and sitting around. Park further away at work and when you go to the store.

    Get creative, is what I'm saying. Most military buildings (if memory serves) are pretty sprawled out with multiple floors, so use that to your advantage if that's the case for you. Break your day up in to "mini work-outs" here and there. Those add up pretty quickly.

    Check into ankle rehab exercises, and do those (like 1-legged yoga poses for ankle strengthening and whatnot).
  • DeskJobSlump
    12 hours of sitting is brutal. You're supposed to take short frequent breaks from desk work to avoid eye strain and other issues though.. so I'd suggest that you take those breaks and get a little exercise. Jump away from the computer every 20 minutes and do a set of push-ups. Or every hour. Keep a set of weights or a jump rope in your office if you can. At my old job, I used to take a break every hour and run up and down the stairs a couple of times.
    Now I'm having a similar problem.. because I work at home.. and time is money. So I'm way too inclined to just.. sit.. and sit.. and sit.. but it's a bad habit and it's within your power to break it. I set a timer on my computer desktop recently, to remind me to get up and move around a bit every 40 minutes. I have a kettlebell near my desk and I either use that or attempt a short set of push-ups. Also, I'm trying to get 45 minutes of exercise every day--even when I'm exhausted. That part is a serious challenge, but I find that by trying to do it every day, I can manage to do it a lot more often (even if I miss a day here and there).
    It's not easy. But you're not doomed. You just have to make exercise a much bigger priority than you would if you had a job that involved activity. Good luck!
  • errkajo
    errkajo Posts: 21
    We are now playing UNO PT. Whoever loses the game has to do whatever exercise we are on at the time (we made a list and just go down it). They have to do the same number of repititions as the points that are left in their hand at the end of the game. Definitly a HUGE workout!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Excellent idea! We're having a reorganisation soon so when we have one big office I might suggest it .....