OK I'm ready to ditch 1200cal



  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    You're not doing 1200 right.

    Please DO NOT turn my topic into a 1200cal debate. I'm asking for alternatives to 1200cal a day, not to be told I'm doing it wrong. You don't know me, know what I'm eating or doing so do not pass judgement.

    Gee some ppl p!ss me off.

    Anyway moving on.

    OK my BMR is around 1380. TDEE is around 2080. So according to another post I should take the difference (700), half that (350) and add to BMR so thats 1380 + 350 = 1730. Wow that seems like alot to me.

    On training days do I eat my exercise calories on top of this too?
    :laugh: maybe you shouldn't use baiting titles in future? just a helpful hint for you.

    also your tdee - 20% is 1664.
  • You're not doing 1200 right.

    Please DO NOT turn my topic into a 1200cal debate. I'm asking for alternatives to 1200cal a day, not to be told I'm doing it wrong. You don't know me, know what I'm eating or doing so do not pass judgement.

    Gee some ppl p!ss me off.

    Anyway moving on.

    OK my BMR is around 1380. TDEE is around 2080. So according to another post I should take the difference (700), half that (350) and add to BMR so thats 1380 + 350 = 1730. Wow that seems like alot to me.

    On training days do I eat my exercise calories on top of this too?

    Welcome to the group girl! Been there done that, never looking back to 1200 that got me sick. I advise you to run blood tests for anemia if you're been into 1200 for more than 3 months.
    1730 seems like a very good number for both workout and non-workout days. But imo, since you have so little to lose, you should log food and exercise on MFP and then eat at no more than a 300cal deficit. More than that and you'll just sabotage your workouts.
    Btw, up your calories slowly as not to shock your body and put on fat for this week.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    You're not doing 1200 right.

    Please DO NOT turn my topic into a 1200cal debate. I'm asking for alternatives to 1200cal a day, not to be told I'm doing it wrong. You don't know me, know what I'm eating or doing so do not pass judgement.

    Gee some ppl p!ss me off.

    Anyway moving on.

    OK my BMR is around 1380. TDEE is around 2080. So according to another post I should take the difference (700), half that (350) and add to BMR so thats 1380 + 350 = 1730. Wow that seems like alot to me.

    On training days do I eat my exercise calories on top of this too?

    I would say so, you'll need the fuel on top of your general output. Whilst I don't factor in exercise calories, because I mainly strength train, I just eat more on lifting days.

    If you eat calorie dense food 1730 wont seem that much. I usually have 2 eggs with smoked salmon or bacon for breakfast and half an avocado, thats around 500 calories alone. Lunch is meat or fish with the other half an avocado, veg, sometimes sweet potato-another 500-600 cals. For dinner I have meat and veg, and I also have a couple of snacks (protein shake, meat or my favourite currently....protein yoghurt....regular greek yoghurt with a scoop of protein, its around 40g of protein in one snack.) Things like avocados, nuts, whole dairy and nut butter will fill you up and up those calories easily.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    1200 worked then the weight came back...in other words it did not work!!! EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS!!! AND LIFT!! check out the web page, so many positive stories and it is for everyone!!! granted its a bit slower but the weight will stay off. good luck :)
  • MissTati85
    MissTati85 Posts: 10 Member
    Up your calories but become more active- more exercising, moving around, anything but sitting on your butt :)

    I found I could easily eat 1700 calories, exercise 45 minutes on my elliptical on a day, and still lose a little bit of weight the next day or over a week.

    I notice that I feel ****ty and tired when I stop exercising and eat 1200 calories - it's like the food just sits there in my body doing nothing.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    My base calories are 1280 (MFP reset me to 1230 but that is not enough!) BUT I eat back most/all of my exercise calories so I'm intaking at least 14-1500 per day. Its working for me, I don't feel hungry (or if I do I eat something). I balance my calories over the week so that even if I eat under a couple of days I make up for it at the weekend :drinker: and don't have a lot of "leftover" calories by Sunday night.

    Its about finding what works for you, which also makes you feel in control.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you eat around 1700, don't eat your exercise calories back.

    If you eat 1400 or so (like me), eat your exercise calories back.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you eat around 1700, don't eat your exercise calories back.

    If you eat 1400 or so (like me), eat your exercise calories back.

    Ignore this...Why should 300 calories make a difference? If you want to be at an appropriate deficit, then eat back the exercise calories for YOUR deficit. Jeez.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Around 1700 sounds absolutely right!! :smile:

    And remember... TDEE INCLUDES your exercise.. SO do NOT "eat back" any exercise calories! Just eat 1700 cals !! And if you must eat below it, never eat below your bmr.

    Enjoyyyy and thanks for taking in the info and looking at that thread I posted :flowerforyou:
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    1200 worked then the weight came back...in other words it did not work!!! EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS!!! AND LIFT!! check out the web page, so many positive stories and it is for everyone!!! granted its a bit slower but the weight will stay off. good luck :)

  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Around 1700 sounds absolutely right!! :smile:

    And remember... TDEE INCLUDES your exercise.. SO do NOT "eat back" any exercise calories! Just eat 1700 cals !! And if you must eat below it, never eat below your bmr.

    Enjoyyyy and thanks for taking in the info and looking at that thread I posted :flowerforyou:

    Thank you that makes sense :) I 'feel' that 1300-1400 will be right for me on non training days which is around my BRM.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    You're not doing 1200 right.

    Please DO NOT turn my topic into a 1200cal debate. I'm asking for alternatives to 1200cal a day, not to be told I'm doing it wrong. You don't know me, know what I'm eating or doing so do not pass judgement.

    Gee some ppl p!ss me off.

    Anyway moving on.

    OK my BMR is around 1380. TDEE is around 2080. So according to another post I should take the difference (700), half that (350) and add to BMR so thats 1380 + 350 = 1730. Wow that seems like alot to me.

    On training days do I eat my exercise calories on top of this too?
    :laugh: maybe you shouldn't use baiting titles in future? just a helpful hint for you.

    also your tdee - 20% is 1664.

    Thats crap, how is a totle that states that *I* am ready for a change baiting? Did I say that 1200cal is 'wrong' and no one should do it? No I didn't. This is purely about where I am and what I would like to do, stop trying to make it bigger than what it is.
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    So much info for reading later. Bump!