Whats your main weakness??



  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Chocolate!! Any and all chocolate!! I actually crave it. So sad, yet, so true.
  • monmcb
    monmcb Posts: 35 Member
    Oh good heavens! I don't think i have nearly enough time or space to tell you all my weaknesses! LOL! I love sweets, i love the salty, and lord help me i can't seem to get away from soda. I'm looking for some substitutes, so you if have any ideas, please pass them this way!
  • 20chloe09
    20chloe09 Posts: 39 Member
    KFC - Now I know that makes me a massive cliché but I literally CANNOT walk past one without buying something. I just love it SO much. And I can have it, in theory, but only if I walk about 15 miles beforehand!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I have a little bit of chocolate every SINGLE day. I have semi-sweet chocolate squares in my cupboard for my daily fix. ): I don't eat much because in large doses chocolate makes me VERY sick but I have to have that little bit or I'm just owly. HAHAHA.


    I mean I'm glad I've got it under control so I'm not eating tons of it all the time but I do think I should probably wean myself to every other day and then eventually once a week... I just don't have quite enough motivation to do so yet. Too busy worrying about meeting calorie goals and exercise goals...
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Iced Coffee is my weakness.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Wine is a big one. I cut it out except for on the weekends. And bread. Good crusty/soft bread. Also, my boyfriend makes the best mint chocolate chip cookies.
  • CAnneMartens
    Chocolate and ice cream are my main weakness. I do fall for the comfort of creamy and cheesy casseroles too.
  • GymClassHero
    Oh dear, where do i start!!?? Domino's pizza and Nando's for sure!
  • gypsy102
    gypsy102 Posts: 14 Member
    Sun chips and popcorn - salty snacks....love em!!!! Still eat them, just one serving at a time....
  • Hazeyblue
    Hazeyblue Posts: 22
    Cheese. Mature Cheddar, white stilton, cheshire, wensleydale, brie, goats, anything as long as it doesnt have blue bits in it.

    I am lucky that I live on my own so I dont have to have it in my fridge, but I find it hard if I go out and there is something with cheese on the menu.