Walking in the morning?? (CFS sufferers please read???)

Basically I have CFS so really struggle with exercise. I have a desk job so I don't exercise during the day (although I make a concious effort to get up and walk to the loo or water fountain every 30 mins and I walk to and from work which is 10 mins each way). I've tried the waking up early and doing 30ds or going on my cross trainer but strenuous excersize just makes me feel so crap!!!

I have to do it in the mornings because when I get home from work i collapse and just have no energy. I always tell myself i will walk to the shop or to my friends house but its not just motivation, its phycially draining for me so I drive.

Anyway, moving on from that....

If I walk my dog for 10-20 minutes every morning, will that make a difference as far as weight loss goes? I know every little helps, but will it really make much of a difference?? Its really all I can manage atm with my CFS, unless anyone here has also had/got CFS and what do you do?

I'm 19, female, 5"3, 157lbs and eat 1400 cals a day.


  • lizzumsbb
    Sorry, this is an oldish topic but I hope you see this!

    I also have ME/CFS and struggle.
    Have you tried maybe doing some Yoga in the morning? Most things seem too much for me but this is nice and gentle and a good warm up.
    Every little bit of activity helps and makes a difference. As to how much of one depends on you, it's no good walking for 20 minutes if you're going to eat an extra load of calories. Walking doesn't burn too many calories unfortunately, but it might generally help you get able to be more active, but then again, it might not. If you pace it right, you will be able to do more, if not, it'll do more harm than good. I found myself managing more now I pace myself better and being able to walk further, less pain, less fatigue etc, but somedays it's like.. no.. I can't get out of bed today. But a small workout is better than none, if you can manage to do that, then go for it x
  • OminaCaelestis
    I agree with the post above, every little bit counts. When first diagnosed with CFS a decade ago, I found it a struggle to even leave the bed (So remember that getting out and working is a pretty major achievement.) Walking may not burn a lot but it definitely gets your body on the right track. An important part of losing weight is keeping track of what sources you're consuming your calories from. The whole eating small meals throughout the day is definitely not a myth and has helped me keep my energy levels up. I find the mornings very difficult personally which is why I head to the gym after work and don't let my body stop. It's a gamble, some days are a lot worse than others but if there isn't much you can do in the way of exercise just make sure you're keeping your diet in check. 1400 calories is a fair limit for a girl your height, unless it makes you feel more unwell, perhaps try to drop by a hundred or two if you're finding it hard to lose weight.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    All I was able to do was walk an extra 30 minutes a day and it really helped. Anything extra you can do will help. The key is counting your calories. I'm not sure 1400 will do it. I am 5'2" and I started at 155. I needed to stick to 1250, but YMMV.

    Make sure you log accurately and completely. A food scale and measurers are your friends.
  • lizzumsbb
    I agree with the post above, every little bit counts. When first diagnosed with CFS a decade ago, I found it a struggle to even leave the bed (So remember that getting out and working is a pretty major achievement.) Walking may not burn a lot but it definitely gets your body on the right track. An important part of losing weight is keeping track of what sources you're consuming your calories from. The whole eating small meals throughout the day is definitely not a myth and has helped me keep my energy levels up. I find the mornings very difficult personally which is why I head to the gym after work and don't let my body stop. It's a gamble, some days are a lot worse than others but if there isn't much you can do in the way of exercise just make sure you're keeping your diet in check. 1400 calories is a fair limit for a girl your height, unless it makes you feel more unwell, perhaps try to drop by a hundred or two if you're finding it hard to lose weight.

    I agree with this also, I've started eating less in each meal, but eating more through the day, every 4 hours up till dinner really, an apple, some yogurt, that sort of thing and I'm doing a lot better for it.
    I am eating the recommended calories with 500 cal defecit, and haven't lost anything as of yet... I'm also using a fitbit, but it's a thing you have to keep at!