Walking vs. Drunken Stumbling

By the Grace of God and one day at a time I'm coming up on my 8 month anniversary of sobriety this week. What a thrill! I feel as if the fog started to lift at the 3-month mark, clarity returned at 6 months and every day since then gets better and better.

There are 64 calories in 1 ounce of vodka. The website from which I gleaned this information goes on to state that one can burn 64 calories by walking for 18 minutes. I often drank 12 ounces of vodka - 768 calories - at a time so I envision a report as follows: "to burn 768 calories walk 216 minutes OR stumble about drunkenly until you pass out."

I have a strong desire to get my life together: quit smoking 18 months ago (check!); got sober 8 months ago (check!); get serious about achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight starting now (check!).

Join me on my journey.




  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Wow, congratulations!! Those are some amazing changes!
  • Shaynaelise
    Great job!! Keep up the good work You're definitely doing wonderfully :)
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Wow! Congratulations on your success so far. Those are big obstacles you have overcome. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that it can be done.
    Good luck for your continued achievements!