What have you learned and gained since you started?

My gym has a motivational thought on the wall each week. This week’s was (in brief):

“Forget for a moment about what you want in the future and instead stop and think about how far you have come. Realize what you have already gained and what you have learned. Then smile.”

So I did. Since New Years Day I have lost 8.5 kg (18 lbs) and two dress sizes and am over half way to my goal weight - yay! What surprised me, though, is what I realized I have learned and gained:

- I have learned that logging everything I eat is actually much easier than I thought it would be, and not at all annoying.
- I have learned that healthy food doesn’t have to be ‘boring' and I’ve mastered some new tasty recipes. Plus that I can still eat the other things I love, just not as often or in such large portions.
- I have gained flexibility, more energy, better sleep at night and better concentration during the day.
- I have saved money because instead of having to keep buying larger sizes, I can now fit back into some of the ‘skinny’ clothes already in my closet.
- And most surprising of all, I have gone from being a person who loathed the idea of stepping inside a gym to being someone who now thinks of one as 'my gym', who goes to it regularly and who actually looks forward to going!

<<Big cheesy grin!>>

So what have you learned and what have you gained since you started?