My story on why i want to lose weight

I had my son in 2011 its been nearly 2 years since i had him i was 10 stone before i got pregnant and my weight dropped to 9 stone whilst pregnant, i had to have an emergency c section which left me with my stomach hanging down and at 18 years old i felt terrible and i ate a lot to drown my sorrows, i now weigh 12 stone, 4lb, and I'm 20 and i cant seem to shift the weight off, i never want to go out and i feel like I'm letting my son down as its not fair on him and my fiancee but i cant help it i feel to fat and nothing fits me i cant really afford new clothes and i don't want to but size 14 clothes as it will just make me less motivated to lose weight. For the past year all I've been wearing is lose bottoms and baggy tops. i don't feel confident enough to go out, i dont have many friends and after losing my job its been really hard for me to stay positive enough to try and lose the weight.

Last year we went to disneyworld and although i enjoyed it my weight really got me down and looking back at the pictures i feel really upset i know most of you will think being 12st isn't bad buts its not just about that its the fact my belly hangs over too and i have a lot of stretch marks, and at 20 thats not something you really want.

Its my 21st birthday in september and me and my fiancee were planning on going on holiday to las vegas to celebrate it but ive told him if i don't lose weight i don't want to go, but i don't want to be known as the person that didn't do anything for her 21st , a lot of people have parties but after my engagement party and only 3 of my friends turned up ( i invited 30 which they all said they would come and none of them told me they couldn't make it) i don't really want a party. i just want to celebrate it with my fiancee.

I am not very active im trying to eat healthy and staying under 1200 calories a day which is proving very difficult, i dont go out as i dont have the confidence to go out on my own or with just my son.

if anyone has any tips for me that would be great, would be nice to talk to someone.

:smile: Michelle


  • Manervia10
    Manervia10 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Michelle,
    I can completely understand where you are coming from. I am 21 although I do not have any children I have been large all my life. (I am from the US so can you please tell me what a stone is?) Right now I am 190 lbs and in a size 16. My max weight was 220 and a size 24. It takes a lot of commitment and determination to lose weight and eat right, but just don't give up. I still refuse to wear a 2 piece and I too have stretch marks everywhere! I think that it helps to have someone to help you battle your temptations and push you when you are getting lazy. This does not happen over night, it will take lots of time but don't feel down. If you ever need someone to talk to you can always talk to me! :)

    Hope this helps,