Is it to much to book a doctors appointment

I was wondering since i'v lost quite a bit already and wondering if i should book a appointment with my docor to make sure i'm healthy and everything is doing alright. Last visit my doc told me my insulin level is higher then normal. I'm quit curious to see where i am now.. Or should i just keep going the way i am?


  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    If you are feeling good then I would think just your annual well visits are fine.
  • ddellner
    ddellner Posts: 58 Member
    Are you on medication that might need adjusting? If so yes. Congrats on the 26 lbs
  • frantny
    frantny Posts: 17 Member
    Why dont you call your doctor and ask their opinion? The doctor I work for usually has her patients check their labs again in 3-6 months depending on the past results.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    Insulin was high or blood sugar was high? If blood sugar, it should be possible to get in with a nurse practitioner or other "technician" type to just get your blood sugar tested. That would be a good way to see if your weight loss is having a positive affect on your general health without having to go to the expense of a full exam. - your can always schedule a follow-up doctor appt if blood test is unchanged or higher than before (meaning condition possibly getting worse in spite of weight loss)