Skinny fat - eat at maintanance? What workouts to do?



  • Hmmm. Do your thighs touch? You could just have wide hips. The calculators aren't terribly accurate. I'm by no means an expert but if I were you, I'd lose some fat while lifting and eating a lot of protein. You shouldn't have much to lose.
    Yeah, my thighs touch.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Hmmm. Do your thighs touch? You could just have wide hips. The calculators aren't terribly accurate. I'm by no means an expert but if I were you, I'd lose some fat while lifting and eating a lot of protein. You shouldn't have much to lose.
    Yes, my thighs touch.

    Why does that matter? It means nothing in terms of fitness. Some women, no matter how healthy or fit, will always have their thighs touch due to genetics.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I asked if her thighs touched because sometimes people can just have wide set, lean hips. I believe that the calculations just believe that there is simply a lot of fat there.
  • You need to eat a good amount of protein...start with about 100g a day, lift heavy weights. Can you get access to a gym? Most of the local gyms around here are only $10-$20/month...well worth it. Eat at maintenance or only about 100 calories below.

    And...when I say heavy, I mean a program like Strong Lifts or New Rules of Lifting For Women to start.
    No, I don't have access to a gym, and i really can't afford it. Is there anything I can do at home?
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Hmmm. Do your thighs touch? You could just have wide hips. The calculators aren't terribly accurate. I'm by no means an expert but if I were you, I'd lose some fat while lifting and eating a lot of protein. You shouldn't have much to lose.
    Yeah, my thighs touch.

    Means nothing. My thighs touch and I'm about 20% body fat right now.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    You need to eat a good amount of protein...start with about 100g a day, lift heavy weights. Can you get access to a gym? Most of the local gyms around here are only $10-$20/month...well worth it. Eat at maintenance or only about 100 calories below.

    And...when I say heavy, I mean a program like Strong Lifts or New Rules of Lifting For Women to start.
    No, I don't have access to a gym, and i really can't afford it. Is there anything I can do at home?

    Sure. You can build a decent amount of strength by doing body weight work. Google Nia Shanks...she has a Beautiful Bad *kitten* program with a ton of different workouts. I know for a fact that one of them is purely body weight work you can do at home with minimal to no equipment.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    There are lots of good bodyweight programs - right now I like You Are Your Own Gym/Body By You, I even got the app for my iPod and it's totally worth the $3.

    You might want to try eating a little over maintenance while you try to build some muscle. You will gain a little fat along with it, but it won't be too hard to shift when you're done and overall it will probably be easier to get a better look in the end.
  • stephaniegcoffey
    stephaniegcoffey Posts: 26 Member
    I have the exact same problem! I want to lose fat around my stomach, but don't want to lose weight as my weight is fine for my height. I am 5' 6.5" and weight 120 lbs. I carry the weight I do have around my lower stomach and love handles and it looks terrible.

    I know the solution to skinny fat is to lift heavy weights, but I can not afford a gym membership right now. I've been doing the 30 day shred from JM hoping that helps. Also training for a 5k, three to four times per week.

    I still can't figure out whether to eat a calorie deficit or maintenance! Is it possible to eliminate skinny fatness doing body weight strength training (squats, lunges, pushups etc) rather than lifting weights?
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    I just want to bump this up because I am really interested.
  • Is it possible to eliminate skinny fatness doing body weight strength training (squats, lunges, pushups etc) rather than lifting weights?

    bump, curious about this too
  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    I've just started to up the amount of times i do weights a week.

    I normally only do Les Mills Body Pump three times a week.

    I was just wondering is this enough and how much should you be doing?
    I also do cardio on the alternative days doing Body Attack, Body Step and Body Balance.

    I'm kinda to scared to go out into the gym and lift weights because i don't want to look like an idiot as I'm not 100% sure of what I am doing.
  • If you look at my pictures, I am skinny fat, right? Or am I just fat regular fat fat?
  • No one who can tell?