Starting Slim in 6 in a few days - Need workout buddies

I got Slim in 6. was going to start today but after 15 minutes my knee was killing me. Surgery on it 16 years ago rears its ugly after effects when I exercise. I am going to work on getting up to the full amount of time this week to build endurance and then next week I will concider it started. My only real concern is i can not do it every day. Mondays I work all day and have school at night. I can't make noise when the kids are asleep... Or should I just say... screw it, they will get used to it? lol. better than having a fatty for a momma. Anyone wanna be friends and work on this together?


  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ekisselbach

    How are you finding this? I've just ordered the dvd and I'm hoping it will arrive in the next couple of days. I'm looking forward to starting it. Happy to support you if you are back into it
