If I cosume only 700calories/day will it affect my health?



  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    on top of all the other issues listed, the main one you should be weary of is unless you plan on eating 700 for the rest of YOUR LIFE, you will regain all that weight you lost once you stop. keep that in mind when considering an extreme low cal diet.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I know that this Is dangerous , even a 1200 calorie diet is going to be bad for me , but , I'm only planning to carry on this way for another month or two . even if I lose some muscle mass I'll take the risk because I know I can regain it .

    What about your hair and consciousness? You may well lose those, as well.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Can anyone explain WHY the body would use muscle before the fat stores are low? I just don't think that it makes much sense.

    Survival. Muscle burns calories at rest, so if you are to survive longer on less food, it is advantageous for your body to shed muscle, thereby lowering its own caloric requirements allowing the cals you do take in to go to life sustaining functions, instead of muscle preservation.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    yes this is correct

    most everyone uses scoobysworkshop.com to access their calories. click on the fast calorie calculator

    type in your height, age, work out level and percentage of your tdee you want to reduce too. that will set you on the calories you are to eat.

    I consumed 900-1,000 calories for a long time. I now eat 1665 which is what scoobysworkshop says for me to eat.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I am a 5' 9" male and I eat about 1600 calories a day during the week and about 2200 calories a day on the weekend. I have been consistently losing 2 to 2 1/2 pounds per week, so you don't need to eat so little. If you are going to be extreme, then become an exercise junky and burn the calories that way. Then at least you will build some muscle and nourish your body.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Please do more of this

    Even if you cry doing it

    Seriously your calories are too low! I get having an off day or two and being low. But to do that to yourself on purpose, sounds like an Illness!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I know that this Is dangerous , even a 1200 calorie diet is going to be bad for me , but , I'm only planning to carry on this way for another month or two . even if I lose some muscle mass I'll take the risk because I know I can regain it .

    You should've just said "I'm going to keep doing this as long as I see fit because I think it's okay. So either validate me or don't respond. I already know it's not bad for me but I"m going to do it regardless."

    Seriously. Talk about wasting peoples' time. And you got some very good information as well. All wasted.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    First off, we're here to support you!

    Everybody already said what I immediately thought. You may be losing a lot of weight FAST, but it's both muscle AND fat. Once your body enters starvation mode, your metabolism will drop over 10%. Also, you can do serious damage to your circulatory system and bones. Your body need nutrients. It takes it from somewhere. Not necessarily where you planned...

    Try 1,500 calories plus add back the exercise calories. 1.5 - 2 pounds a week is the best pace. If you want fast, you can go up to 2 pounds a week as long as you get plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals. Don't hurt yourself.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Can anyone explain WHY the body would use muscle before the fat stores are low? I just don't think that it makes much sense.

    The muscle takes more energy to maintain. If the body can get rid of any extra, it will be easier to stay alive on the fat stores if the shortage is prolonged.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Are you hungry? I would be ready to chew the wallpaper off the wall!
    My question is, what types of foods are you eating? I hope it's food that is nutritionally dense and not processed food. Eat to fuel your body.
    You do need to eat more than 700 calories or even 1200 at the very bare minimum. Please be careful. In all honesty, you don't want to develop an eating disorder. Eat more, lose a little more slowly and your body will thank you.:flowerforyou:
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    As i was surfing , I stumbled upon many articles that says if I eat less than 1200 calories it may affect my health
    What you just wrote should be your biggest hint. YES, you can affect your health by eating only 700 calories a day.
    You can mess up your metabolism so that you can find it harder to lose weight in the future. You can lose weight so fast that it puts a strain on your heart and other organs. You can (and probably already are) lose a lot of muscle mass.
    since I joined mfp I only get 700 sometimes up to 1200 calories and I'm losing weight real fast as I lost 17 pounds in barely a month .
    As a 5' 9" male, there is no way that MFP gave you 700-1200 calories to eat. I am not an expert, but I would guess that a guy your age and size should be eating no less than 1,600 calories a day.
    It's not a long term weight loss diet I'm in , because if my weight drops to the same rate as now I would reach my target weight in two months , up to 4 months max .
    This is the thinking that ruins most well intentioned "dieters" ... including myself.
    Don't think of it as a "diet" and don't think of it as "temporary eating". If you do this, you'll just lose a lot of weight and will turn around and gain it all back ... and then some. I know. I've been there, done that at least a dozen times. If you are going to lose and keep it off, you need to learn how to eat for the long term.
    My question Is : would my short-term diet do me any harm ?
    It certainly can. Even if you don't have a heart attack, develop an eating disorder or mess up your metabolism, your diet will not allow you to learn how to eat to keep off the weight in the long term.
    what are your recommendations

    1) Use the MFP calculations and eat back your exercise calories, or at least half of them.
    Better yet, go over to the "In Place of a Roadmap" group and read threw the stickies. Then, download heybales' spreadsheet (also in the stickies of that group) and use it to determine what your calories needs are ... AND FOLLOW THEM! Be sure to update it as you lose weight.

    2) Log everything you eat & drink.

    3) Get a food scale. Weigh and measure everything you possibly can for accuracy.

    4) Move more. Put down the video game controllers and take a walk. Lift some weights. Go for a hike or whatever other exercise that you might enjoy.

    5) Quit trying to eat like a a 17-year-old anorexic girl.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member

    If you have to ask, you probably already know it's a stupid idea.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I know that this Is dangerous , even a 1200 calorie diet is going to be bad for me , but , I'm only planning to carry on this way for another month or two . even if I lose some muscle mass I'll take the risk because I know I can regain it .

    Then don't do it. Or do it. Then, like the other person said... natural selection...
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I don't know if losing a lot of weight quickly is bad for you, but I do think that Yo Yo dieting definitely is bad for you. It probably is healthier to stay overweight forever then to yo yo diet your whole life. Think about what it is you are trying to accomplish long term.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    As i was surfing , I stumbled upon many articles that says if I eat less than 1200 calories it may affect my health , because mostly since I joined mfp I only get 700 sometimes up to 1200 calories and I'm losing weight real fast as I lost 17 pounds in barely a month . It's not a long term weight loss diet I'm in , because if my weight drops to the same rate as now I would reach my target weight in two months , up to 4 months max .
    My question Is : would my short-term diet do me any harm ?
    what are your recommendations

    ps: I'm a 5'9 male

  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    Yes, you may want to look up starvation mode. Unfortunately you might gain back all the weight that you have lost too. Also, you will have no energy, headaches, feeling jittery and many more symptoms if you keep at only eating 700 calories for a long period of time. I would not advise this. Maybe you should consult a dietician and physician to see how many calories you should be consuming to loose weight the healthy way.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    Oh and males who are on a calorie restricted diet for longevity purposes eat about 1900 calories a day every day.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Will it kill you in the short term? No

    But I hope you don't care about your muscle mass and muscle definition, cuz that's gonna suffer big time.

    FYI--I lost over 20 lbs. in the first month eating 1200 calories.....and men are supposed to lose weight so much easier than us ladies. So....with more calories, I'd say you would have probably lost MORE the first month than what you did.

    Oh, and then there's the PLATEAU.....which happened after I lost the first 20 lbs. 1200 calories wasn't enough for me, and the losing streak stopped as quickly as it began. It took a diet of 1600 calories to get my system jump started again.

    If you want to crash diet, don't expect too many people to be supportive of you. It's stupid, and you will just gain it all back anyway because YOU LEARNED NOTHING!

    If you want to live differently and reap the benefits of looking and living like you want to for the REST of your life....stop being an idiot and do it the right way.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Oh and males who are on a calorie restricted diet for longevity purposes eat about 1900 calories a day every day.

    That is what i eat every day (5'2" female)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    700?!?! I can burn that during a good trip to the bathroom. I'm well over that by lunchtime. How are you even upright?