Do you eat even if you aren't hungry?



  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    im always hungry
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I eat when I am hungry. When I eat has no bearing on my weight loss, it's much more to do with what I eat.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry. Fortunately my body is hungry at roughly similar times XD
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    If I'm not hungry for lunch at lunchtime, do you eat anyways?

    When I eat has no bearing on whether you're hungry or not. :wink:
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    No way. That's what got me into this mess in the first place.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The reason to eat even if you're not hungry is because there are an incredible array of psychological and physical processes going on that motivate us to eat or not eat. We mostly want to lose weight, so we're in "exercise and eat less!" mode, so that inclines us not to eat. Combined with the fact that we all got here in the first place because we're not very good at understanding what our bodies want or need and you have a hotbed of issues that can easily lead us to, say, eating 700 calories a day that we exercise for an hour because "oh I don't feel hungry" which in reality might be "I feel like I shouldn't eat" but you can't tell the difference.

    The numbers are real. The numbers don't lie to us like our tummies and bodies and brains do.

    Follow the numbers. Eat your calories.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    If I'm not hungry for lunch at lunchtime, do you eat anyways?

    When I eat has no bearing on whether you're hungry or not. :wink:

    how you doin?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It depends, but if I skip breakfast, I need something the size of breakfast plus snack before lunch. It is usually easier to try to fit it in at home than take it to work. Otherwise, I end up with pop tarts out of the vending machine, and that is not helping.

    On weekends, breakfast is usually late enough that I skip my a snack and sometimes lunch, but again, I get hungry at some point and generally eat the calories.

    Occasionally, I will notice in the evenings that I am really low, but there is always room for Yonanas or chocolate with nuts.
  • ashleymarie530
    ashleymarie530 Posts: 60 Member
    Even if you are not hungry you should because you don't want to be starving later and eat a ton. If your not hungry but haven't eaten in a while munch on some carrots or half an apple or something small. Maybe a couple crackers and cheese. Not anything huge !
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Just figure out when you are actually hungry throughout the day. I don't get hungry for Breakfast until about 10 am (about 2 hrs after I get up). There is no way I could eat earlier than that and no reason to force myself.

    I then get hungry for lunch around 1pm - and then have a few snacks between then and dinner (around 6pm). But I eat at those times because that is when I am hungry. If I wasn't hungry for lunch until 3 pm, then that is when I'd eat it. I still end up meeting my goal at the end of the day.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. But if by the end of the day I'm under 1200 calories still, I make myself eat up to that at least.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes, if I need to in order to hit my goals for the day.

    I see days in your diary where you're running huge deficits by eating <1000 calories while getting hundreds of calories from exercise.

    Don't do that. Eat those calories. Doesn't matter if you're hungry. Meet your nutrition goals.

    Meal timing doesn't matter, but the totals for your day DO matter. If it's 9 PM and you're 500 under your calorie goal, EAT.

    I normally don't have those days where I am <1000....there were a few over the weekend, but I wasn't feeling all that well....I'm not asking because I'm trying to eat less. I'm just curious, lately sometimes I won't be hungry at lunch or dinner (I don't know what is going on...its like my appetite isn't there...)

    You want to eat less than you were eating before, but you also don't want to eat too little.

    Those MFP numbers on your food diary are there for a reason. Use them, or you're wasting your time and damaging your body.

    None of us are here because we're so darn good at listening to our bodies. We're here because we're not good at it. You don't conquer your overeating issues by developing undereating issues.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm always hungry so I cannot answer this question. lol
  • aikasm
    aikasm Posts: 63
    the point of eating is to satiate hunger.. why would you eat if not hungry
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I only eat when I'm hungry... If I'm not hungery I don't eat... That's how I got FAT in the first place! LOL... Eating when I wasn't hungry!
  • kbeaumont88
    kbeaumont88 Posts: 35 Member
    I have started eating 2 snacks throughout the day even though I am not that hungry... I think it is helping with my weightloss because I wasn't losing much last week because I was only averaging 1000 calories a day instead of the 1200 minimum I should have. I now have breakfast around 8, snack at 10, lunch at 11:30, snack at 3:30, and dinner around 6:30 (sometimes not until 8 when I have boot camp)... I notice that I am usually not very hungry at each meal so I never worry about going over calories. By planning out my meals this way I get my 1200 minimum and never feel hungry or stuffed, just satisfied.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    It's more of I forget my snacks if I am not hungry...
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I don't know how you could possibly be hungry if you are eating 5+ times a day. Better question is do you stop eating when you are full. I think that is a bigger issue for most.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    No. No point in forcing yourself to eat if you're not hungry
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    yes, but probably light.