Ottawa MFP buddies?

Hi Guys,

anyone here from Ottawa? Looking for some regional buddies who can suggest events, fun things to do in the area, and help cheer each other on throughout our weight loss journey



  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    Born and raised in Ottawa but moved away to Cobden in Nov. 2008 to be with my guy. It's 1 1/2hrs. west of the city in case you haven't heard of it, between Renfre and Pembroke. Get back a few times a month with doctors' appointments and my parents are there.

  • Hi Chandanders,
    I live in Ottawa and am new to the site. I could definitely use a buddy to help keep me on track. I'm very committed and very enthusiastic which makes me a very good cheerleader!
  • Live in Ottawa. Would love so local support. Feel free to add me.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    I am from Ottawa as well! Free free to add me if you like
  • vickiflo
    vickiflo Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in Ottawa too!
  • catherine190
    catherine190 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in ottawa too and have only been on the site for 2 weeks. It would be great to have some local support.
  • I live in Ottawa as well and I'd live to have some local MFP buddies. Add me if you like :)
  • meljfin
    meljfin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm in Ottawa too and new to mpf. I'd love some encouragement and support and can offer the same to others!