Re-introduction. Hello!!

megdet Posts: 18 Member
So, if you go to my profile, you can totally tell that I've been a member for awhile. But when I started I was already most of the way through my goal. So my weight loss is minimal, and the last few months I have not been on here at all. For good reasons...or not, either way I was distracted by obstacles that stood in my way of finishing my gaol.

My thing is, I seem to have the wrong friends on my list here lol! The whole time I've been gone, I totally could've continued my food tracking....not that I have many here, but only 1 person reminded me to come back!!! Just 1!!! So I need to find some more supportive/motivational buddies on MFP :) My issues are below, if you can relate, or think you can help push me and vice versa feel free to add me!!!

My first dang Thyroid. Why do those little suckers cause so much problems when their not "balanced"!?!?!? After my 3rd child (almost 2 years ago) I just wasn't feeling back to myself after he was about 1 yr old. Which wasnt normal consider the first two I bounced right back. Long story short, went to the doc, hypothyroid, prescribed meds...and each time I get my blood work done it hasnt changed!! So my meds keep getting upped :( Some day that will be fixed. But in the mean time that just adds to my difficulty in my fitness goals!!

Second obstacle...those dang hip flexors lol. So about a year after I had my dear son, I joined a bootcamp to get fit!! Yup, that includes jogging...well appearantly every time I run (or walk for long periods of time) my hip and my pelvis SCREEEAM in pain...I mean, within 5 blocks of jogging I have a serious limp that comes with pain and takes at least LEAST 3 days to get better!! So went to the doc for that about a month ago...since I sit at a desk most of the day, my hip get stiff. And their not strong at all, so some therapy, stretching, and strenghthening is what was ordered.

So thats where I am now. After a few weeks of stretching...and feeling more pain free ive been interval jogging once a week for at least 2 miles. This seems to not hurt me! Which is good! Which means MAYBE I can get back on track. I'm going to go for a few more 1 week jogs...than bump it up some. The last thing I want to do is injure myself further. So, what i'm asking is...can anyone out there relate & be my friiieeenndd as I journey back to MFP -- hopefully to stay-- :)


  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome back. I'm kind of a newbie here, so I'm looking for some support, too. I'd be glad to try and be a motivator for you. Although I don't have thyroid issues, I do have a lot of health issues that cause me to have problems with tendonitis and other inflammatory problems, so I often have to "readjust" my workouts to deal with those.

    As far as your hip flexors, have you ever tried using a stick or foam roll? I prefer using a thing called "The Stick", which I purchased on Amazon. I have problems with my IT band, which gives me problems with one of my knees, and I can't tell you how fantastic The Stick has been to help with that! I've used it on my hip flexors, and my calves, and it really is very comforting. (Much like a massage)

    Anyway, I, too, have been doing interval training...I walk/jog/run on my treadmill at home. I don't go outside, because I'm visually impaired (blind in one eye and almost blind in the other), so I feel too vulnerable out there, unless I'm on a solid track, with someone with me. So, right now, I'm actually attempting to train for a 1/2 marathon....but, because of my health issues, I've had a few weeks I've had to "re-do", so I'm pretty much stuck at 12 miles a week right now. Usually I walk/run 3 days a week, somewhere around 4 miles, and I try to do some cross training on my "rest days", depending on how my body is feeling. Sometimes I have to just rest completely.

    It'd be great to support someone else who has health issues. There are a lot of people who can't relate to a body that doesn't work "normally", so sometimes it's easy to feel alone. We can do this! We might be a little slower than the average person out there, but if we put our mind's to it, there is nothing we can't accomplish!!
  • megdet
    megdet Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! Good for you for dealing with what your dealing with and still continue to work on bettering yourself! I don't so much as have alot of health issue...maybe far from it! I can count how many times i've been in my life, but just after my 3rd pregnancy my body started to physically not like me lol. So I few speed bumps, but nothing thats not fixable!!

    I have read about the "roller" thing before! But I didnt think it would help since my doctor didnt suggest it at all! But then again, he hasnt really done much about the pain im in anyways...thinking about finding a new one. I'm definately going to give that a try! I hear there are loads of you tube videos that will demonstrate how to use one lol.

    I will do my best to motivate you as a MFP friend!!! Good luck on your 1/2 marathon!! I'm sure you will do great!!
  • MinnieLou92
    MinnieLou92 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there! Glad to have you back, even though I have just joined and never knew you before...! It's the sisterhood though isn't it?!

    I can't say I share any of your problems, although I have a recurring knee injury and "weak joints" (apparently) and I'm in and out of physio too much for my liking! So in some ways I understand what it's like to have a big annoying body problem that stops you from running like a boss.

    Either way, I am looking for some friends, and someone to get to know a bit better. Every single time I have tried to do this before I just fall flat on my face! Maybe some support would be an incentive :flowerforyou: