Boston Marathon 2014

Hi all, I haven't posted here before but I've been using this website to track food every now and then as well as exercises. I live in Boston and the recent tragedy has affected me and motivated me to start running even more. My goal is to run the Boston Marathon in 2014 (won't be able to qualify but it's a start!). I would love to hear from any of you for motivation/support or even if you would like to join me in a plan. I will try to post here frequently with my workouts and please feel free to post here your results as well.
My history in races is just a few 5ks and 10ks but nothing further than that. My goal is to run a half-marathon May 26th, and then to run a marathon October 12th and then of course, the Boston Marathon in 2014.

If anyone has suggestions/tips on their previous experience, please feel free. I'm definitely going to try to get involved in some sort of donation fund to run for this cause but as of now, my training will begin.

Yesterday's run:

5.06 Miles
40:22 Seconds
Pace: 7:59 Min/Mile.

Goal today will be 3 Miles at slower pace (8:30-9:00 min/mile)

Let me know and I hope others join me in my journey!
