So I have tried just about everything (I THINK) to get through this plateau, and it is making me CRAZY! I was losing weight like mad and then BOOM STOPPED! WTH? I haven't stopped doing anything I was doing and I have added I'd say more exercise if anything. I have tried more calories, less calories, taking a couple days off from the gym, doing double workouts... YOU NAME IT! PLEASE give me some ideas of how to bust this plateau. THANKS!


  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I have the same problem right now. I just bought an HRM and realized that I have my calorie burn way off for my current size. If you don't have one you may want to consider investing in one so you know you have your numbers right and how to eat accordingly.

    I have read and heard from various sources that you should play around with your diet as well. Try confusing your body. Maybe 3 days with 1200 base calories, 2 days 1400, 2 days 1600. If your body doesn't know what to expect it is more likely to work with you than against you.

    Good Luck!! I am sure others will give you plenty of tips.
  • johnmcfarm
    johnmcfarm Posts: 75
    One thing you might try is eating a few calories every couple of hours. This helps in two ways. First, it keeps your metabolism up and actually burns calories. Second, if you have gone into "starvation mode" it can help "fool" your body and get you out of that mode.

    Most importantly, is stick with it! You will come out of this!!!
  • thisemmabites
    thisemmabites Posts: 117
    Okay here goes. An almost constant that I see is Mcdonald's. I too have often had to eat out. (I'm not much of a cook) four kids, and a third shift worker for a hubby. Life is crazy busy, but Mcdonald's is the devil! I'm going to try and go a whole week without eating out anywhere and see what kind of results I get. Should be interesting since my children have tball and baseball four times a week.... Also a lot of the times I see you have left over calories, sometimes even over 1,000 left over.. I always see you busting your butt with exercise, have you taken any measurements lately? I haven't lost a whole lot in the last month, but I did lose almost an inch off of my entire body. I don't have a soft measuring tape so my hubby took some string, measured me, and then we used his metal tape measure. haha it was actually fun.

    'Went and bought a new pair of jeans last night.... I BOUGHT 10's! I haven't wore 10's since 2003 or 2004!!!!!!!!!!! That means I am down 6/7 pants sizes in 100 days! '

    That was you just a week ago! That's awesome!!! You're doing so well. I'm completely jealous, I'm still in 16's and I started in 20/22s. You're doing it, don't get too hung up on that scale. Just keep it up and you'll break through. :bigsmile: