Healthy alternative for my addictions!!



  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I have some serious love for peanut butter, cheese (cheddar) and crisps (walkers ready salted)

    I need some healthy alternatives!

    I haven't actually had any crisps so far but as I see this as a new lifestyle so i know that i am going to cave into their yummyness at some point! Until today I hadn’t had peanut butter.. I have heard that Almond butter is good? Has anyone tried it? Preferably anyone that has mega loving for peanut butter like me! lol >.<

    As for cheese... I have been eating this… probably nearly every day. I know this is bad. But I used to have nearly half a block a day! (no wonder I am fat) Now, I have only been having about 10grams on my pasta! Which to me, is a massive improvement. If I can find a good alternative than I would to be able to say that I don’t have the extra fat intake from that to worry about.

    All suggestions welcome! :)

    Why eliminate Peanut Butter? I love the stuff, and frequently eat PB. I have it with honey off a spoon when I am close with my carbs. I had a Peanut Butter and Honey sandwich for lunch today. Sometimes, I will just grab a spoonful of peanut butter right before bed.. Yummy.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    eat PB, eat cheese...but eat less of each. :)
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    eat PB, eat cheese...but eat less of each. :)

    Yes. that way there is more for me. Hahahhah! I will soon rule all the peanut butterz!!!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    It's all about finding what's "worth it" to you, only go for substitutes if they actually satisfy your craving (For me, low-sodium seltzer water is just as good as a Coke, but chocolate has to be the real thing, any chocolate-flavored low-fat low-cal healthy crap will only cause me to feel unsatisfied). If you find you like one of these substitutes, you probably won't find the original "worth it" in your calorie budget as often, but if you really just want the real thing, trying to distract yourself with something that doesn't measure up can actually lead to eating more calories, since the craving will likely still be there later. For me at least, this has been the case.
  • casmock
    casmock Posts: 3
    For the crisps- try Red Cabbage! It's crunchy and satisfying! I eat it raw but you can dip it in Hummus for a healthy snack! And the consistency of Hummus replaces the peanut butter...although I'm totally guilty of noshing on that. I just make sure I portion my Almond Butter for each day. No more than 2T and put it on Rice Cakes.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    I have some serious love for peanut butter, cheese (cheddar) and crisps (walkers ready salted)

    I need some healthy alternatives!

    I haven't actually had any crisps so far but as I see this as a new lifestyle so i know that i am going to cave into their yummyness at some point! Until today I hadn’t had peanut butter.. I have heard that Almond butter is good? Has anyone tried it? Preferably anyone that has mega loving for peanut butter like me! lol >.<

    As for cheese... I have been eating this… probably nearly every day. I know this is bad. But I used to have nearly half a block a day! (no wonder I am fat) Now, I have only been having about 10grams on my pasta! Which to me, is a massive improvement. If I can find a good alternative than I would to be able to say that I don’t have the extra fat intake from that to worry about.

    All suggestions welcome! :)

    Have you been tested for a yeast/mold allergy/intolerance? PB and cheese both contain yeast and crisps are a high gi food which feeds yeast.
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    I think you'll find that when you've been logging your food for a while, you'll figure out what stuff is "worth" eating on a regular basis. Things that you think are healthy, and may actually be in small portions, may turn out to be very high in calories. If you are going to try to stay within your calorie limit, you will naturally start to budget, and eat lower calorie foods so that you can eat all day and not be hungry. You CAN have cheese, peanut butter, and chips, but probably not regularly. It'll take some time to figure all that out. Then, when you put cheese on your salad, you may decide that it really wasn't worth all those calories after all. But don't cut them out of your life, or you'll just crave them ALL the time.

    You can also eat what ever you want as long as you exercise enough to burn all those calories. Personally, I don't have enough hours in the day to exercise off what I'd really like to eat!

    Good luck!
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    Do you have PB2 available where you are? It's real peanut butter but in powder form, and 85% lower in calories. You add a bit of water and it's lovely, or you can add it to a protein shake.


    Please OP don't resort to this.

    Just stick with the regular peanut butter.

    It's good for you. If you go down this route next thing you know you're getting fat free mayo and drinking light beer. And then you'll be thin. Thin and friendless because nobody wants to hang out with a PB2 eating, fat free mayo consuming, light beer drinking food snob who can't figure out that moderation is the key to weight loss.

    I like PB2, and don't eat fat free mayo. POINT DISPROVEN. PB2 is actually good, yo. Light beer is not!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I think you'll find that when you've been logging your food for a while, you'll figure out what stuff is "worth" eating on a regular basis. Things that you think are healthy, and may actually be in small portions, may turn out to be very high in calories. If you are going to try to stay within your calorie limit, you will naturally start to budget, and eat lower calorie foods so that you can eat all day and not be hungry. You CAN have cheese, peanut butter, and chips, but probably not regularly. It'll take some time to figure all that out. Then, when you put cheese on your salad, you may decide that it really wasn't worth all those calories after all. But don't cut them out of your life, or you'll just crave them ALL the time.

    You can also eat what ever you want as long as you exercise enough to burn all those calories. Personally, I don't have enough hours in the day to exercise off what I'd really like to eat!

    Good luck!

    Wise words here.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I buy organic peanut butter :)
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    I eat cheese and peanut butter every day and have lost 22 pounds in about two months. Definitely portion control. I will have one tablespoon of peanut butter every day with an apple or a banana (as opposed to eating like six tablespoons out of the jar like I used to...eek) and one piece of cheese. I also love cheddar but realized it's really high in saturated fat, so while I still have it occasionally, my go-to cheese is now reduced fat string cheese (mozzarella).

    I also have PB2 and love it. If I need a big dose of peanut butter bc one tablespoon isn't gonna cut it, I'll prep some PB2 instead. If I feel like I need 2 or 2 tablespoons it's 90 to 135 calories instead of 200 to 300. Big difference! I also put a scoop in my oatmeal sometimes, or in with yogurt.

    As far as chips, some of the baked ones are just as satisfying (to me at least) for a lot less calories. I also like mini rice cakes and 100 calorie bags of popcorn.

    Good luck! I hope you find a way to keep eating the things you love!
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    I love cheese, too. Try some Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt from Stonyfield or Fage. It really does taste similar to cheese. Not exactly cheddar, but cheese of a sort..
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    Also, I love almond butter, too! I will have that some days instead of peanut butter. To me it's just as tasty, in a different way. If you are concerned about fat grams and calories, though, it's really no better or worse than regular old peanut butter.
  • StrongPursuits3
    Peanut butter is healthy, if you buy it organic or if you purchase the right brands: look for the brands that are simply peanut and peanut oil. It's only detrimental to your health if you purchase the peanut butters that have loads of added sugars, or additives. Actually, the PB2 somebody suggested (which I've tried on a few occasions) is rather unhealthy, due to the fact that it has the fat removed. The fats in peanut butter (where a majority of the calories come from) are healthy, and are what make the peanut butter filling. If anything, I would imagine that you'd be more likely to binge eat when it comes to a food that you tend to overindulge in that doesn't fill you up, as opposed to a food that you tend to overindulge in, that does fill you up. Oh, and it's crazy expensive as well, as a little side note. You barely get much peanut butter, yet it's hard to find it cheaper than $6/7 a jar (you need to also remember that it's powder, and therefore becomes half a jar of peanut butter, once you add the appropriate amount of water).

    Personally, (outside of water that is), I don't see foods as good or bad. When you think about it, all foods fulfill one nutritional need or another. For that reason, I think that our portion sizes and frequencies can be unhealthy, but not the actual foods themselves. I mean, there is nothing wrong with peanut butter, and if anything it can be quite healthy. However, that only applies if you are consuming the peanut butter in moderation. A few tablespoons of peanut butter is healthy, but as I'm sure you know, the whole jar is not. (As a side note: I am totally guilty of taking the spoon right to a fresh jar, and not stopping until I'm scraping the sides with my fingers).

    Anyways! Merely as a suggestion: you may want to stop looking at food in such black and white terms. No food is inherently good or bad, however (like i said) your portions/frequencies in such foods may be. If you find that you're just not able to control yourself around foods such as cheese or peanut butter, you may want to avoid them merely until you find out what it is that is causing you to be so overly indulgent, with them. If possible, find other foods that cause you to have these 'obsessions' as you call them, yet in lower intensities.

    For example: my binge foods are pop tarts, peanut butter, and honey. I'm guilty of consuming these foods straight out of their containers, and if I purchase them, not stopping until I've consumed every last crumb. For that reason, instead of viewing these foods as 'bad' (since they are in-fact a healthy part of my diet, when consumed in moderation), I am merely find more ways to have healthy portions. Right now, I realize the fact that I don't exactly think logically around these foods, so I make sure that I don't buy them. I know that I cannot control my portion size around them, so why bother? That being said, I am looking for other foods that I sometimes have this 'self control problem' around, and I am building up an endurance of sorts, to my cravings and unhealthy habits of indulgence. I hope that one day I can work back up to having a jar of peanut butter in front of me, yet only having a few spreads, as opposed to the entire jar in an hour. It's taking a lot of energy, but I'd like to think that having a healthy relationship with food is totally worth the time and effort.

    Perhaps you could work to find healthier alternatives to your cravings, until you find that you have the ability to overcome whatever is causing you to overindulge, and eat them in healthy portions?

    Merely a ramble and a few ideas. :) Best of luck, with however you choose to tackle this!
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    You could go with feta cheese- it's salty and briny so it's fulfilling the fat/salt craving. Do you have avocados where you live? I find those are a nice sub for cheese.

    I echo the peanut butter/almond butter enthusiasm. It's a good protein and all about portions!
  • Lilianam881
    I'm with you on the cheese and peanut butter. What I do is try to incorporate it in a healthy meal instead of eating it by itself. When eating it by itself you will have a lot more like half a block of cheese! My advice is to stick to the serving size and have it as a snack or in a meal. I like to put 2 tbl peanut butter in a protein shake or have it as a snack w/ celery or an apple. cheddar cheese and red grapes together tastes awesome! But remember its the amount of it that counts because calories do add up!

    Also try healthier alternatives of the same stuff like instead of regular peanut butter I buy organic peanut butter from Whole Foods. You can still have the stuff you like just with moderation and think about its quality as well. If you're going to eat what you like make sure it's the best wholesome nutrient rich product that your body wil benefit from
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    PB on apples is AWESOME, espically a very tart apple like Granny Smiths. It takes a bit of prep if you want to limit your PB intake, but having it on apple wedges stretches it out and makes you feel like you're eating more. Just don't dip the apple slices straight into the jar. *ahem*

    As for cheese, I love the Laughing Cow wedges. Haven't tried the low-fat ones, but I've found that one of the regular wedges with Triscits are pretty darn tasty! Shredded cheese is good too, I always put some on my salads for salad days. I've had to really cut my amount of dressing, but it's worth it!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Do you have PB2 available where you are? It's real peanut butter but in powder form, and 85% lower in calories. You add a bit of water and it's lovely, or you can add it to a protein shake.


    Please OP don't resort to this.

    Just stick with the regular peanut butter.

    It's good for you. If you go down this route next thing you know you're getting fat free mayo and drinking light beer. And then you'll be thin. Thin and friendless because nobody wants to hang out with a PB2 eating, fat free mayo consuming, light beer drinking food snob who can't figure out that moderation is the key to weight loss.

    you are my hero