Can't burn off anymore fat.

That link is a picture of me. Yes I know I look okay but I want to be a little more tone .I find it hard to burn off anymore fat nothing I do works. Can anyone help me out? I don't really have much of a diet I just work out really hard. I don't know what to eat either. I don't take supplements either . I just need some recommendations. PLEASE help!!!


  • seriously? can I get some advice?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    You're mainly going to be told to lift heavy I'm sure. :) I still have a ton of fat to burn off so I don't really have any advice, sorry!
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    Do you lift? If not, I would start there. In addition, there are 2 supplements that I would recommend that would be TBOMB and a protein shake called SUPERPUMP.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    I find it hard to burn off anymore fat nothing I do works.

    I don't really have much of a diet I just work out really hard.

    You can work out all you want, but if you're taking in more calories than you're burning, you won't lose fat. You don't necessarily need a "diet", and there's no need for any supplements, but you probably need to be more mindful of your eating. Are you tracking all your food, measuring portions, etc? Use the roadmap link posted below to figure out an estimate of what kind of intake you should be targeting, then start getting accountable with your eating.
  • 1. Read this link about how much you need to be eating everyday.

    2. Lift HEAVY weights at least 3 days a week.

    Stronglifts 5x5 is awesome. Lifting weights is the most efficient way to burn fat.

    Do that, and you'll be solid
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    Also don't buy those at GNC, that is way over priced. Go to a vitamin store. GOOD LUCK TO YOU. You do look very good just the way you are.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You said you don't really have a diet plan. Get one. That's the only way you're going to lose more fat at this point if you "work out really hard" already.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What do you do for workouts?

    I assume you lift...I'd add some HIIT a couple of times per week to that if that is the case. Also, maybe a very small calorie deficit to 1/4 to 1/2 Lb cut...125 - 250 calories less than your maintenance per day.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    I don't really have much of a diet I just work out really hard.

    That's the problem right there.

    Losing fat is more about diet than exercise. If you are not eating the right calorie amount for your body, then no amount of exercise will get you to where you want to go.

    Google a TDEE calculator and find out what yours is. Multiply that number by 0.8, and that is the number of calories that you should be eating each day for a moderate deficit that will lead to fat loss. That's the best place to start. Types of exercise and kinds of food will come next, but your calorie goal needs to be determined first.
  • I do lift but I guess not enough. I rep out 225 on bench about 20 times (3 sets) and I mainly do power cleans up to 250lbs and I run on a treadmill until I have burned 2000 calories. but I only run maybe 3 times a week.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I run on a treadmill until I have burned 2000 calories.

    :huh: Are you running for, like, 3-4 hours??? I ran at a good clip for 40 minutes today and managed about 350.

    I think this might be another issue.

    1. Underestimating food intake

    2. Overestimating energy expenditure.

    Are you using a HRM to determine your burn? And what about your food?
  • An 1 hour and a half with with resistance. I do Brazilian Jui jitsu which explains my good cardio. And food.. I mean I eat whatever . I didn't really think it mattered since im really active
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    An 1 hour and a half with with resistance. I do Brazilian Jui jitsu which explains my good cardio. And food.. I mean I eat whatever . I didn't really think it mattered since im really active

    Usually when you're really fit, cardio-wise, you have to work a lot harder to burn as many calories as an unfit person. I'm still really skeptical about your burns. I burn way less now than I did a year ago during an average workout, but I'm working much harder. How are you logging them...with the machine, or with a personal heart rate monitor?

    Food matters more than the exercise. Like, way, way more. It's basic math. If the calories going in are bigger than the calories going out, you won't get results, period. You need to track your food, bud.

  • the machine ^^^

    I mean if I do watch what I eat, what should I not eat. I really have no clue of what's really considered bad.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    An 1 hour and a half with with resistance. I do Brazilian Jui jitsu which explains my good cardio. And food.. I mean I eat whatever . I didn't really think it mattered since im really active

    I'm starting to smell a troll.

    Or do you honestly think on a website known for tracking food that food intake doesn't matter?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    So the machine is probably way off. Time to invest in a heart rate monitor.

    As for food, there's no "bad" stuff. Of course, it's better to try to eat as much natural, whole, unprocessed stuff as you can, but you don't have to restrict anything in particular out of your diet. Aim to get a decent amount of protein in (about 1g/lb lean body mass) and about .35g of fat /total body mass as a minimum, and let the rest fall wherever you like. Start by looking at the link someone else posted earlier - the Roadmap. Read it, follow the info to figure out what your daily intake should be, with a moderate caloric deficit built in (like TDEE - 10 or 15%). Then start logging your food so you can get a better sense of what you're actually eating. Once you have a handle on that you can tweak your daily intake as needed.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    the machine ^^^

    I mean if I do watch what I eat, what should I not eat. I really have no clue of what's really considered bad.

    No food is bad except trans fats which are man-made and perhaps too much refined sugar/refinded carbs. You do need to make sure you have adequate protein intake if you work out like you do.
  • conleyl3
    conleyl3 Posts: 1
    I would suggest a visit to You should be consuming lean proteins (lean beef, chicken, and fish), complex carbs, and good fats (nuts, olive oil, etc) and monitor sugar intake. Avoid eating whatever because you workout. You can workout 12 hours a day and have a terrible diet and get fat. It is all about the diet. The results you see on the outside are results of what you put inside.

    I am 210 pounds and 15.3% body fat. I am reducing my caloric intact to cut some fat. A year ago, I was 185 pounds and 9% body fat but wanted to add more mass, hence the weight gain and body fat increase. I just had my checkup at the doc and all my tests are within acceptable levels and I consume around 3100 calories a day. Again it is all about what you eat.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Yup, heavy lifting is going to be your best bet. Building muscle means you burn more calories are rest, plus gives that nice lean and rock hard look you're probably going for. Make sure you're eating lots of protein, good carbs, fruits and veggies, etc. I always try to eat right after a lifting session (or any work out, really) so that my body has everything it needs to rebuild the muscle. It can be as simple as a protein shake or bar or sometimes an entire meal.

    Keep doing cardio, as that helps burn fat, but I wasn't able to get below a certain weight until I started lifting. My boyfriend had great success with a beginners routine on Muscles and Strength, so maybe look into something like that.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Is everyone else looking at the same link as I am? Cuz you look pretty good to me. You are either naturally very muscular or are already working out, right?

    Anyway, if you wanna lose the last few vanity pounds and be at a lower fat percentage, you need to look into cutting for bodybuilders... There are various tricks to it, but the key is a high protein intake and continued resistance training. You would probably have to take protein powder supplements, as you have a good deal of lean body mass...

    Also, google "LeanGains"; that guy went from having a relatively high fat percentage to almost none and has maintained it for a long time. I can't say I have tried it, but his results are hard to argue with. He is also quite a nerd and supplies many references to the studies that form the foundation of his method.