Looking for online friends in same-ish boat as me..

I'm a 45 yerar old married female. Full time job (read government drone). I've had pretty severe migraines and depression all my life. I've been on meds since the age of 20.

I recently watched "Fat, sick and nearly dead" and a when I heard the one lady say that her migraines were GONE.... I did a dance and said to myself, change my diet and see what happens.

Well I didn't go the full bore juice route but decided to go for an all veg diet instead. I managed for a few weeks and felt great. The longer I go on, the harder it seems to be to keep it up. My husband has always been the cook in the family so, although he is very supportive and wants to do it as well, it makes things harder because we were always a meat based household.

I'm looking for folks around my age and around my weight loss needs (at least 65 pounds) to share what works and what doens't and to basically have someone look over my food journal and say "wow, really? You ate THAT?!" sometimes.

I think knowing that someone is acutally looking at what I post might help to motivate me a bit more.


You don't have to be on the all veg diet to help, I'm understanding and open minded to, it just seems to be what works for me right now.

Say hi, friend me, lets talk!



  • ashleyplus3
    ashleyplus3 Posts: 284 Member
    I added you.

    Our weight loss goals aren't exactly the same - but I will be happy to look at your diary and give you some encouragement. :-)
  • cmcis
    cmcis Posts: 300 Member
    I've put in a friend request. I have a similar goal and feel that we can offer each other encouragement.
    send me a friend request if you like :) or you can find me on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HealthyIntentions)

    I watched fat, sick and nearly dead too...that was an amazing video but I haven't tried juice fasting. I lost 15kgs last year without really trying following the "smarter science of slim" which is basically no starch and no sugar - once you get the sugar out of your system it is easy :)
  • nikky731
    nikky731 Posts: 65 Member
    I have also suffered migraines my whole life-but after I went gluten free ( I cheat occasionally) my migraines have almost disappeared-they only return when I eat gluten.
    It's worth trying....