Personal Trainer Probs

A few weeks ago I joined a gym and did this jumpsuit program which is 4 sessions with a PT. I was sooooo excited. Real quick my stats are 5'3, 130.8 (as of this morning), healthy BMI, and 27 % BF. My goal weight is 125 with 24 % BF. I am 38. ok...moving on my trainer knows I have lower back pain and knows my strengths and weaknesses. We had scheduled our second session for last night and he of forgot...that's right...he forgot. another trainer (the assistant director of the trainers mind you) asked me if I had any problems or injuries so I told him about my back and he proceeds to tell me to do 100 squats, 50 pushups, and 30 second planks. I asked him if he wanted me to do this all at one time and he told me to do 5 sets of 25 squats. (hey genius, that's 125), 5 sets of 10 pushups and 5 sets of 30 second planks. Then 5 sets of 15 lat pull downs and 5 sets of 15 leg raises. So... I get to work and on the second set of squats my back starts to go. By the 3rd set I nearly collapsed. Another trainer saw me and asked if I was ok and I told him no. He came over a few minutes later and and asked me to show him my form on a squat. Reluctantly, and while in pain, I tried. I received a talkn' to about my form and then he stretched out my back, I rolled out my back, and then the other superman trainer came over to tell me my hip flexers were tight so I stretched those out too. By the time I left, I couldn't even pick up a 10 lb. weight!! I called my trainer, in tears, and told him what happened. He has yet to call me back. My LB is toast and my doctor put me on a muscle relaxer and pred. He also said very strongly to never ever do squats (he was very old school but has been in practice for 30 years and went to med school). I have trained before, done barbell squats before, and NEVER had this problem. Sorry for the long post but I am very frustrated!!!


  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Refund time, at a minimum. And find a new gym.
  • lexington87
    lexington87 Posts: 27 Member
    Okay these are the problems I see everyday and it drives me nuts. I work at a rehab clinic and the number of people who come in with pain/strains etc because a trainer didn't show them proper technique or take into account your history is dangerous. That being said there are many trainers who have gone through the proper education and understand how the body works. But there are so many who run through the CAN-Fit program in a weekend and think they can train anyone which shockes me. (sorry rant over).

    Did they run you through any initial program or did they start you on that right away? The squats combine with the plank (yes planks work you glutes/IT band/ABs/Back/Shoulders) at those numbers can over strain all of those muscles even on someone who has worked up to it. I would strongly recomend talking to the gym or company that you have the sessions with and finding another trainer. But that is my two cents
  • smekelburg
    smekelburg Posts: 1 Member
    I actually would go as far as finding out his/her certification and then report this to the company. Change your trainer or research body weighted exercises. They have amazing fullbody circuit workouts.
  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    you need to do your research. ask what his qualifications are where he got his training. Ask to talk to other clients see what they say.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    What type of back injuries have you incurred in the past? Did you have any treatment? Have you healed up completely?

    A squat, when done properly, should not cause pain if you are well. Four weeks ago, I injured my back and had two bulging discs. I underwent intensive treatment and was able to resume bodyweight workouts after two weeks and have not had any pain.

    I would recommend 1) making sure you don't have any back injuries that need rest and/or treatment and then 2) finding a knowledgeable trainer who will work through mechanics and form with you before starting you on a program. Oh, and 3) find a chiropractor who encourages strength training and will get to the bottom of your pain, not just prescribe medication to treat symptoms. Talk to your gym's owner and share your experience. They need to know. Did you foam roll your lower back? You should never roll your lumbar area, only the mid and upper. Glutes and hammies are fine to roll, but not the lumbar region.

    A strong body is priceless. You should definitely squat (after being cleared by a dr)!! My chiro works with NFL teams and highly encourages strength training. Yes, even deadlifts! And he will have me deadlifting again in two weeks. :wink:

    I hope you find relief and are able to resume your WOs soon! In the mean time, ice it and rest. Don't do anything that causes pain!
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    If I were in your place I will strongly complain to the Gym management.
    If you still want to keep this gym option, get another trainer. I usually observe the trainers working at my preferred time slot for 3 months and then I approach the one I feel is more professional.

    If the Gym mgmt does not give satisfaction, change gyms. Pick one that is on your way to work or returning home so it is not out of your way.

    Good luck in your journey to health
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow!! Thanks everyone. I have never had a back injury so I really don't know how this happened. Maybe a weak back and poor form. My usual trainer is good but forgot about our appt which is a whole separate issue. I actually will look forward tp physical therapy to correct the situation. Grateful for your responses : )